• Portobello Community Council
  • c/o 14 Rosefield Avenue
  • Portobello
  • EH15 1AU

June 2023 Meeting 404 – AGREED Minutes

Posted on: September 15th, 2023

Planning Update 12th September 2023

Posted on: September 12th, 2023

Ref: 23/03586/FUL  Change of use of vacant land for extensions and alterations to enlarge the ground floor kitchen and restaurant.  at Joppa Rocks 84A Joppa Road Edinburgh EH15 2ET Last Date For Comments: Fri 06 Oct 2023 — Ref: 23/04003/FUL  Erect 2x semi-detached houses, 3x detached houses and 6x flats.  at Development Site Station Brae Edinburgh  Last Date For Comments: Fri 06 Oct […]

Seafield MasterPlan Phase 1 Report

Posted on: September 5th, 2023

The following is the Phase 1 report conducted by 7N Architects on consultation with the public about the Seafield Masterplan. Phase 2 will be conducted later in 2023 involving further consultation.

Response to HES re Delisting of 14 Bath Street (The George)

Posted on: September 5th, 2023

Portobello Community Council recently sent the attached response and documents to Historic Environment Scotland in response to the application for Delisting 14 Bath Street.

Brunstane Road TRO – Community Council Consultation

Posted on: August 31st, 2023

The City of Edinburgh Council has been trialling changes to Brunstane Road, and other roads in the Coillesdene area, by the means of a Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO). They are now advertising a traffic order (TRO) and Road Order (RSO) to make these changes permanent. You can respond to the traffic order personally, before […]

Portobello Community Council August 2023 Meeting 405 Agenda

Posted on: August 21st, 2023

Brunstane Road TRO

Posted on: August 18th, 2023

The TRO for the permanent closure of Brunstane Road is now live. We received the following information for where to find the full details and how to make a representation. BRUNSTANE AND COILLESDENE AREA – EDINBURGH PROPOSED ROAD CLOSURE AND TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT MEASURES I refer to our previous letter of 17 March 2023 regarding the […]

Weekly Planning List WC 14th August

Posted on: August 17th, 2023

Ref: 23/03508/FULSTL  Change of use from residential to short-term let at: Flat 2 2 Electra Place, Edinburgh EH15 1UF  Comments Due by 30.08.2023  — Ref: 23/03522/FUL  Proposed sunroom to be added to the flat roof of existing property at:24 Seaview Terrace, Edinburgh EH15 2HD  Comments Due by  01.09.2023  — Ref: 23/03656/TCO  Beech – remove deadwood over 23cm & crown raise to 2-3m over paths […]

UPDATE : Application to De-designate The George

Posted on: July 18th, 2023

HES have kept the George as a Category C Listed Building, see the following letter for the decision in full. There is a live Application or Enquiry to HES for the de-designation of the George from Category C listed to no designation.   https://portal.historicenvironment.scot/decision/500003721 file:///C:/Users/apfm2/Downloads/300064318%20-%20Application%20-%2014%20Bat… The deadline for comments is the 4th September.

Weekly planning list, W/C 26 June

Posted on: June 30th, 2023

Ref: 23/02709/TCOHornbeam – to be felled. at 9 Abercorn Terrace Edinburgh EH15 2DD  — Ref: 23/01665/LBC – Granted(Listed Building Consent) Remove 3.5m section of concrete front garden wall and privet hedging to make room for a 7.5m by 3.5m drive consisting of tegula blocks. The drive will slope towards the street at a shallow angle […]