• Portobello Community Council
  • c/o 14 Rosefield Avenue
  • Portobello
  • EH15 1AU

Seafield Future – How Do You See It?

Posted on: July 1st, 2020

City of Edinburgh Council have proposed that a large area of Seafield should be considered for allocation as “housing led mixed use development” in the next Local Development Plan. Whilst no plans have yet come forward, changes to the site could have a major impact on North East Edinburgh over the next 10 years. Portobello […]

Covid-19 Emergency Road Measures Proposed Local Town Centres – Portobello Town Centre

Posted on: June 19th, 2020

Please see the below proposal from the council. Any feedback on the proposal please send to spacesforpeople@edinburgh.gov.uk Covid-19 Emergency Road  Measures Proposed– Local Town Centres – Portobello Town Centre In Edinburgh, shopping and leisure uses are mainly provided in a network of centres distributed across the city. Out with the City Centre, town centres serve […]

New Brunstane planning application granted

Posted on: June 16th, 2020

The PPP application for the New Brunstane development has had approval extended, under covid-19 delegated powers. It had previously been approved subject to that legal agreement, which has taken significant time to progress (see attached handling report). There is now a further three months for the legal agreement to be concluded.  Noted in the agenda […]

Update on Kings Place

Posted on: June 14th, 2020

Update from North East Locality at City of Edinburgh Council on Kings Place, Portobello:   “I wanted to provide you with a progress update to confirm that King’s Place was submitted to the Spaces for People programme and is currently under consideration for the installation of temporary traffic management measures to support safe walking, cycling, […]

Edinburgh Road Closures

Posted on: May 20th, 2020

Last week, the Council’s Policy and Sustainability Committee discussed a report outlining a city-wide plan for significant changes to the road network to create additional space for people who walk, cycle or use wheelchairs, prams, pushchairs or small mobility vehicles. This is in response to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and the availability of […]

Fwd: Places for Everyone shared off-road network/paths campaign in Edinburgh

Posted on: May 20th, 2020

On Friday, the Council launched a campaign encouraging everyone to be considerate of other people and follow Scottish Government guidance when enjoying their outdoor exercise and travel. The press release which was published on Friday can be found here.  Increase in people using off-road paths and parks Since restrictions were introduced to help manage the […]

Stanley Street – Hope Lane

Posted on: May 20th, 2020

Dear Stakeholder Proposed partial road closure Stanley St – Hope Lane   Please be advised that we are proposing to partially close Stanley Street/Hope Lane as part of overall emergency measures to re-designate key parts of the road network to help pedestrians and cyclists travel safely while meeting physical distancing requirements.  Such measures are required […]

Submission to Choices for City Plan 2030 consultation

Posted on: April 30th, 2020

Portobello Community Council have submitted the following response to the City of Edinburgh Council consultation on Choices for City Plan 2030. Choice 12 – Building our new homes and infrastructure 12A Which option do you support? Option 1 (Council/Partners/Urban Area) Explain why you support that option, or why haven’t chosen an option: Portobello Community Council […]

Portobello Community Council April Meeting Cancelled

Posted on: April 27th, 2020

The April meeting of Portobello Community Council has been CANCELLED #covid19UK

Reallocating Road Space for Walking and Cycling During Covid-19: 30 April 2020 4pm

Posted on: April 24th, 2020

“Our colleagues at the Planning for Place programme have asked us to make you aware of an upcoming webinar on Reallocating Road Space for Walking and Cycling During Covid-19.  Facilitated by Irene Beautyman, Place Lead at the Improvement Service, the webinar will be of particular value to council officers, elected members, community groups and all […]