• Portobello Community Council
  • c/o 14 Rosefield Avenue
  • Portobello
  • EH15 1AU

Maureen Child Update 11 June 2021

Posted on: June 11th, 2021

Dear All   On Sunday, under Scotland’s Gardens Scheme, Jim and Sue Hurford are opening their Portobello garden at 14 East Brighton Crescent E15 1LR on Sunday 13 June from 2pm-5pm and raising money for the The Trussell Trust.  I’m sure there will also be copies of Jim’s collection of his excellent locally-themed limericks on […]

Representation on 21/02434/FUL planning application: Pipe Lane

Posted on: June 11th, 2021

Following consultation with the community, we have submitted the following representation:   Portobello Community Council wishes to comment on the above application concerning the site 30 metres north of 18 Pipe Lane, Portobello. We ran a consultation to gather the views of the community, attracting 58 responses. Overall respondents were split on the proposal, with […]

Covid-19 Emergency Response Measures: Proposed footway expansion and temp signalised pedestrian crossing – Fillyside Rd & Seafield Rd East junction

Posted on: June 10th, 2021

Proposed measures on Seafield Road East, at junction of Fillyside and Porty Prom: Covid-19 Cycling and Walking Emergency Response Measures Proposed footway expansion and temporary signalised pedestrian crossing at Fillyside Road and Seafield Road East junction Please be advised that we are proposing to introduce footway expansion and a temporary signalised pedestrian crossing at the […]

Maureen Child Update 4 June 2021

Posted on: June 4th, 2021

Dear All   I got over-excited last week about the reopening of Portobello Library and got it wrong.  It is – in fact – not until the following week, Monday 24 June.  Staff will be in there getting ready to welcome the public in a Covid-safe way.  More here: https://edinburghcoun-newsroom.prgloo.com/news/more-libraries-set-to-reopen   Some of the changes […]

Annual Report 2021

Posted on: June 2nd, 2021

Portobello Community Council Report 2021, presented to 39th AGM on Monday 31 May 2021. Includes: Chair’s report Treasurer’s report Secretary’s report Engagement report PCC-Annual-Report-2021.pdf

Maureen Child Update 28 May 2021

Posted on: May 29th, 2021

Dear All   I’ve just been advised that Portobello Library will re-open on 17 June.  The Council press release will be out later today. Book life begins again!   Portobello Community Council’s 39th AGM and 383rd Meeting is on Monday evening, still in the virtual Teams world.  PCC are looking for comments on a new […]

Proposed residential development – Pipe Lane

Posted on: May 22nd, 2021

Portobello Sands have submitted a planning application for the gap site at the corner of Pipe Lane and Portobello Promenade. The site has existing approval, but was never completed as part of the adjacent development. The proposal is for 10 flats over 5 floors. It can be viewed, and representations made, on the City of […]

Maureen Child Update 22 May 2022

Posted on: May 22nd, 2021

Dear All   I’ve delayed this Update, so I can share with you the Porty Podcast on the subject (see below) but the very best of news this week is that the community led bid from Portobello Central has succeeded in becoming the preferred bidder to enable the re-opening of Portobello Town Hall, as we […]

Maureen Child Update 14 May 2021

Posted on: May 14th, 2021

Dear All   Another week goes by and places to meet are beginning to open up, like the new coffee shop Tanifiki next to the fabulous Portobello Bookshop on Porty’s High Street.  I’m always happy to meet up for a stroll, a chat about local issues – and maybe a fabulous coffee.    Portobello Library […]

21/01673/FUL | Change of use of class 1 shop to class 3 restaurant with alterations to shop and front and flue. | 211A Portobello High Street Edinburgh EH15 1EU

Posted on: May 11th, 2021

21/01673/FUL | Change of use of class 1 shop to class 3 restaurant with alterations to shop and front and flue. | 211A Portobello High Street Edinburgh EH15 1EU Please follow the link for further details about this planning application. Note that all comments need to be received by 14th May https://citydev-portal.edinburgh.gov.uk/idoxpa-web/applicationDetails.do?ac…