• Portobello Community Council
  • c/o 14 Rosefield Avenue
  • Portobello
  • EH15 1AU

Local Scout Group Volunteer Information

Posted on: November 12th, 2022

We have had the following from Scout Scotland about an open evening for the local Scout Groups Are you are able to support your local Scout Group please?  We are holding an Edinburgh Scouts Information event to cover our 14 Scout Groups in Portobello, Craigentinny, Craigmillar, Duddingston, Calton, Joppa, Stockbridge, Pilrig, Broughton, Trinity, Leith, Newhaven, Wardie and Willowbrae. […]

Trudy and Me – Local Author Crowdfunding for a book set in Portobello

Posted on: October 26th, 2022

Local Author Bridget Campbell is Crowdfunding for her book ‘Trudy & Me’ Which is set in Portobello. Here is a link to the crowdfunding page so that you can read more and a video about the book Trudy & Me – a picture book celebrating difference About the Project. Initially a collaboration between myself, Bridget […]

Portobello Community Council October 2022 Meeting 397

Posted on: October 25th, 2022

Notice of October 2022 Meeting The 397th meeting of Portobello Community Council will be held on Monday 31st October 2022 at 7:30 pm via Microsoft Teams  https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YmQyYjRiYjMtZWU5NS00MjE0LTg2MDktYTFjNDE0NTQ0NmRk%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2216f90125-bd56-4f6a-867b-2bed3568ee8c%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22347e3888-eeab-4f24-9ef1-3f7b353038b5%22%7d Or https://bit.ly/PCC397th Please note that you do not need Teams Installed as this link will give you the option to attend via your browser. You will be placed in […]

BBC Debate Night – Portobello 12th October

Posted on: October 7th, 2022

BBC Scotland’s topical debate programme Debate Night is filming in Edinburgh, Portobello next week. We have been asked to share the following so that you can apply to be part of the audience. I would be grateful if you could direct people to our application form here: www.bbc.co.uk/debatenight Filling out the online application takes just […]

Porty Community Energy – Heat Fair and hot Ceilidh

Posted on: October 5th, 2022

Porty Community Energy are arranging a Heat Fair and Hot Ceilidh at Bellfield on 5th November from 2pm – 10pm. See the attached flyer for details. PCE_flyer A5

Brunstane Road & Coillesdene ETRO Public Consultation

Posted on: September 20th, 2022

Further to the recent implementation of an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order in the Brunstane Road and Coillesdene area, the City of Edinburgh Council has made a new public consultation live today to gather views on the trial scheme. It will close on 1 November 2022. Link: www.edinburgh.gov.uk/coillesdene

PCC September Meeting Agenda – CPZ and other Traffic Issue meeting

Posted on: September 19th, 2022

The 396th meeting of the Portobello Community Council will be held on Monday 26th September 2022 at 7:30 pm at Portobello Baptist Church, 189 Portobello High St, Portobello, Edinburgh EH15 1EA Please note that this meeting is dedicated to the proposed CPZ (Controlled Parking Zone) and other traffic matters so there will be limited time […]

Seafield MOU

Posted on: September 19th, 2022

Portobello Community Council are working with the City of Edinburgh Council and the other 3 community councils which border on Seafield to ensure that any development along the region involves the local communities that the development will impact. As such we have agreed to sign an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) which is published in draft […]

New Brunstane Development Planning Application

Posted on: September 6th, 2022

The next stage in the New Brunstane Development has now reached the planning department and the public are invited to comment here: https://citydev-portal.edinburgh.gov.uk/idoxpa-web/search.do?action=simple&searchType=Application Using the reference 22/03946/AMC Please note that the planning for New Brunstane has already been agreed. This is the next stage where material concerns are addressed. Comments are open until Friday September […]

Exploring Sustainable Fashion, 8th to 11th September 1-4pm at Portobello Baptist Church

Posted on: September 6th, 2022

Exploring Sustainable Fashion, 8th to 11th September 1-4pm Portobello Baptist Church is curating a display of clothes which will be open to the public from Thursday 8th to Sunday 11th September (1pm to 4pm). In today’s world of “fast” fashion, which is having such a harmful impact on our planet, we want to celebrate “slow” […]