• Portobello Community Council
  • c/o 14 Rosefield Avenue
  • Portobello
  • EH15 1AU

Questions Regarding the Civic license application for a Sauna on the Prom – Now with answers

Posted on: March 30th, 2021

At the Portobello Community Council meeting on 29th March it was agreed that we would collate any questions from the public about the licence application for a mobile sauna at the bottom of James Street to pass on to the proposer. For background see: www.portobellocc.org/pccpn/2021/03/22/civic-new-licence-notice-447316-mobile-wood-fired-sauna/ If you have any questions for the proposer please submit […]

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Portobello Town Hall – consultation results

Posted on: March 29th, 2021

In February Portobello Community Council ran a short consultation to ascertain feelings toward two proposals for bringing Portobello Town Hall back into use. The consultation attracted a reasonably limited number of responses – 143. A brief summary follows, along with full anonymised results attached. Peter Schaufuss People who commented in favour of this proposal are […]

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Maureen Child Update 26 March 2021

Posted on: March 26th, 2021

Dear All    Councillors been through an IT migration this week, which is always a traumatic experience but it went OK, so I am up and running again and no contacts or key files lost.  I think.  But I now can’t get Pages.  And Word doesn’t seem to let me harvest and the copy links to […]

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Civic New Licence Notice – 447316 – Mobile wood-fired sauna

Posted on: March 22nd, 2021

“Please see the attached New Civic Licence Notice for a Street Trader’s Licence for a mobile, wood fired sauna.” Any representations should be sent to licensing@edinburgh.gov.uk by 12 April.   Civic-New-Licence-Notice.pdf 2-Map-and-Image-of-Location.pdf Overview-Point-568-Portobello-Beach-Sauna-Cont2.pdf Dimensions-architect-drawings.pdf

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Maureen Child Update 20 March 2021

Posted on: March 20th, 2021

Dear All   A day late this week to pick up this news…Community enterprise Portobello Central Ltd delivered their improved ‘best and final’ proposal to the City of Edinburgh Council by the noon Friday deadline.  Entitled ‘Delivering New Life’ the bid explains how Portobello can implement the ideas the community came up with for ‘New […]

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Baileyfield South Update

Posted on: March 13th, 2021

Please see the attached re an update on the works at Baileyfield, including the fact that piling work will recommence next week (WC 15/3/21) Baileyfield-South-development-letter-11th-Mar-21.pdf

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Maureen Child Update 12 March 2021

Posted on: March 12th, 2021

Dear All   Magdalene Guerilla Gardeners and Portobello Timebank have organised a litter picking event in on Saturday 13 March from 1.30pm to 3.30pm. Do feel free to join in!  Greig McGlinchey wants to inspire the whole community to take pride in their surroundings.  He says that looking out of windows to see rubbish and […]

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Signage on Portobello Beach

Posted on: March 8th, 2021

We have been asked to share the attached document regarding safety signage on Portobello beach which is being put in place by Police Scotland. Any enquires please direct to EdinburghCPTNorthEast@scotland.pnn.police.uk  using the title: Portobello Beach Safety Signage Portobello-Beach-Safety-Signage-Document.pdf

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Maureen Child Update 5 March 2021

Posted on: March 5th, 2021

Dear All   This month’s Portobello Market is on this Saturday, 6 March in Brighton Park from 9.30am to 1.30pm.  More details here: https://www.pedal-porty.org.uk/food/portobello-market/   It was good to have a virtual management committee meeting this week with the fabulous Jack Kane Community Centre team.  It’s always a pleasure to hear about their work and […]

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Maureen Child Update 26 February 2021

Posted on: February 26th, 2021

Dear All   Duddingston cycle path is closed between North Cairntow and the Bingham Tunnel until the 3 March to allow necessary forestry works to happen before the start of the nesting season.  The long-established gypsy traveller people’s site here is being redesigned and rebuilt by the Council’s housing service, working closely on the design […]

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