• Portobello Community Council
  • c/o 14 Rosefield Avenue
  • Portobello
  • EH15 1AU

Report on You Decide! 2016

Posted on: September 1st, 2016

Review of You Decide! 2016 June 2016 The attached report has been produced by the Portobello & Craigmillar Neighbourhood Partnership to review and consider the impact of its second Participatory Budgeting event to allocate all the Portobello & Craigmillar Neighbourhood Partnership’s Community Grants Fund 2016/17.   Based on the findings, to consider which allocation process […]

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Fair Food Transformation Fund

Posted on: July 11th, 2016

The Scottish Government is now inviting applications for the Fair Food Transformation Fund.  The Fund is part of our £1 million-a-year Fair Food Fund, which supports dignified responses to food poverty.   The Fund will be open for applications until Monday 18 July 2016.  The application form and Frequently Asked Questions can be found here. We would appreciate […]

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Funding Sources for School, Sport and Church Groups

Posted on: April 21st, 2016

New Fact Sheets – Potential Funding Sources for Churches , Schools and Sports Groups   I have researched and created these 3  new fact sheets  to help with funding  enquiries,  especially from organisations which may not be eligible for the NP  Community Grants Fund       Please cascade to your contacts as appropriate.   I […]

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OneCity Trust Open For Grant Applications

Posted on: February 3rd, 2016

    ONECITY TRUST OPEN FOR GRANT APPLICATIONS GRANTS OF BETWEEN £5,000 AND £10,000 AVAILABLE   The OneCity Trust is pleased to announce that its main grant programme is now open for applications. Registered charities and constituted groups based in Edinburgh and focussing their work in the city with an annual income of less than […]

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Climate Challenge Fund OPEN

Posted on: February 1st, 2016

  The Climate Challenge Fund is open for applications from community led-organisations including community councils. Climate Change Minister Aileen McLeod has confirmed the Fund will continue for another year, after it was allocated £10.3 million in the Scottish Government’s Draft Budget 2016-17. The hugely successful Climate Challenge Fund has supported 756 community-led schemes since 2008, […]

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Waste action grant deadline 9th Feb

Posted on: January 25th, 2016

Communities across Edinburgh are being urged to submit their applications to the City of Edinburgh Council for a Waste Action Grant as the deadline fast approaches. The upcoming deadline is Tuesday 9th February. Grants are available to fund eco-friendly projects that will encourage more people in the Capital to reduce, reuse and recycle. Groups who […]

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Big Lottery Fund (Scotland) Information and Surgeries

Posted on: January 12th, 2016

  The Big Lottery Fund (Scotland) Information & Surgeries Thursday 4th February 2016 – 10:00am – 12.00pm, EVOC Offices The Big Lottery Fund (Scotland) recently changed the way in which it receives applications. This short workshop will provide an opportunity to learn more about the new funding methods, as well as short ten minute funding ‘surgeries’. Find […]

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Waste Action Grant Deadline Approaching

Posted on: October 5th, 2015

Communities across Edinburgh are being urged to submit their applications to the City of Edinburgh Council for a Waste Action Grant as the deadline fast approaches. Grants are available to fund eco-friendly projects that will encourage more people in the Capital to reduce, reuse and recycle. Groups can now also apply for grants to support […]

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Porty Rugby Club Seeking Sponsorship Partners For New Season

Posted on: September 3rd, 2015

In a bid to drive Portobello Rugby Club forward throughout the coming season and develop our mini, youth and senior rugby sections even further we’re in the process of looking for interested businesses who would like to look at a sponsorship arrangement with us. If you would like to explore some options please take a […]

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Fairer Scotland Engagement Fund Launched

Posted on: August 20th, 2015

Voluntary Action Fund is delighted to announce the launch of the Scottish Government’s new Fairer Scotland Engagement Fund. The aim of the Fund is to help small voluntary organisations and community groups (income under £25,000) in Scotland run an event or engagement activity to gather views on how we can create a Fairer Scotland.   Grants […]

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