The Village Show in early September has become a very popular event in the Portobello Calendar. POD have recognised that we don’t have the capacity to organise the event this year, unless we find new people to help. Please take a look at this short film. If you are interested then please get in touch […]
read moreMEET THE FUNDERS !! Thursday 23 April 2015 1.00 – 4.00pm The Central Library,George IV Bridge Edinburgh Meet the Funders is a free public marketplace event providing access to funding information for community projects. It is an opportunity for groups to discuss their ideas with potential funders and collect a range of information about possible […]
read moreMeeting about Community Engagement and a community charter for Portobello Wednesday 18th March 7-9pm in the back room of the Dalriada As you may be aware, Our Forth is beginning the process of putting together a community charter for Portobello, based on the ground breaking Falkirk community charter. We’d like to ask community groups in […]
read morePORTOBELLO needs your helping hands on SUNDAY 29 MARCH. Join Surfers Against Sewage and your local community for a beach clean, 4pm to 5.30pm, as part of the biggest Big Spring Beach Clean ever. Following on from last year’s successful BSBC which saw over 3,250 volunteers remove over 35 tonnes from 135 beaches SAS are […]
read moreSt Patrick’s Day Pageant, Portobello Promenade – Sun 15th March, 2pm The Pageant will feature Morningside Youth Pipe and Drum Band Siamsoir Irish Dancing troupe Row Porty have the rowing skiff available for the kids to sit in dressed up as St Patricks Porty Pirates Lots of local Porty groups/clubs/schools/churches The Second Line New […]
read moreI am delighted to provide you with information about the upcoming Age Scotland partnership event. The event will be held on Thursday 19th March from 10am – 3pm at the City Chambers, High Street Edinburgh EH1 1YJ. Lunch and refreshments will be provided. The theme for the event is ‘Older People Shaping […]
read moreSave The Date! Contact Police Scotland – Your Say, Your Way Police Scotland, working in partnership with the Scottish Disability Equality Forum is holding events across Scotland. The aim of these events is to work with communities to ensure that everyone in Scotland has fair and equal access to contact Police Scotland through our Service […]
read moreLocal arts group Big Things On The Beach are calling for ideas and suggestions which could see Portobello develop as a ‘Creative Destination’. The group has secured £1,500 Council funding to host and publicise a “collaborative event to progress arts and culture in Portobello” and is keen to hear from individuals or community groups […]
read moreThe Adult Learning Project (ALP) presents: The New Spanish Community in Edinburgh ; Situations and Needs Presentation and Discussion Event Monday February 9th 1-4pm Edinburgh City Chambers Business Centre The Spanish community residing in Edinburgh is one of the biggest broader communities of immigrants and has been increasing in the last years, currently […]
read moreA public meeting is being held on Saturday, 31 January from 2-4pm at Portobello Town Hall. Get more information, find out what’s happening next and have a say in what happens in Portobello. Speakers will include: Janet Moxley, Environmental Scientist. Professor Andrew Watterson, Director of the Centre for Public Health, University of Stirling. Laura Eaton […]
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