• Portobello Community Council
  • c/o 14 Rosefield Avenue
  • Portobello
  • EH15 1AU

Taxis and Private Hire in Edinburgh – Have Your Say

Posted on: May 15th, 2017

City of Edinburgh Council has commissioned an independent review of Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles. Part of that review includes gathering public feedback.  In addition to understanding the demand for services, the Council need to understand the public perception of taxi services across Edinburgh.     They want to hear from both users and non-users […]

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Your Views Needed On High Street Proposals

Posted on: April 18th, 2017

City of Edinburgh Council Planning Dept has prepared new supplementary guidance for Portobello Town Centre. This sets out guidelines for a mix of uses to support the town centre as a place to shop, visit, live and work. Please read the full draft supplementary guidance before completing the survey below. Give Us Your Views Online Survey

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Policing 2026 – take part in the conversation

Posted on: April 4th, 2017

Policing 2026 – take part in the conversation The ‘Policing 2026’ strategy outlines how Police Scotland aim to address new and changing policing demands and work more effectively with partners and the public to deliver better outcomes for individuals and communities.  Police Scotland want you to have your say in shaping policing in the coming […]

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Portobello Town Centre ‘Vision’ Report and Recommendations

Posted on: February 25th, 2017

As part of efforts to create a ‘vision’ for Portobello Town Centre, City of Edinburgh Council Planners have published the attached report and recommendations. The vision for Portobello is to create and promote: a place with an active public street life with a quality public realm that is comfortable for all users and thereby would […]

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Permission Granted for Bouncy Castle, Refused for Bungee Trampoline, Children’s Roundabout and Refreshment Stall – Straiton Park, Summer 2017

Posted on: February 9th, 2017

Permission Granted for Inflatable Play Area, Refused for Bungee Trampoline, Children’s Roundabout and Refreshment Stance in Straiton Park, Summer 2017.   Following our recent correspondence regarding Mr Reid’s application we have been in further discussions with the applicant and local stakeholders.  The arrangements offered have been amended and are as follows:   The inflatable play […]

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Community Council Response Re George Demolition Plans (REF: 16/06447/FUL & 16/06449/LBC )

Posted on: February 8th, 2017

REF: 16/06447/FUL & 16/06449/LBC Portobello Community Council objects to the above applications concerning 14 Bath Street, Portobello. The new owners and the agent for the application attended our meeting on November 28th last year asking for feedback on their new proposals for re-development. To that end we ran a short consultation to gather the views […]

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Community Council Response Re Baileyfield South Planning Application (16/05898/FUL)

Posted on: February 8th, 2017

Planning Application: 16/05898/FUL Please find our following comments on the above application. To ascertain local views on the proposals we undertook an extensive survey and the results of that are attached in a separate document. We would wish these comments and views of the community to be considered in detail in relation to the assessment of […]

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Results of Portobello Playpark Cash Survey

Posted on: January 26th, 2017

City of Edinburgh Council Parks Dept asked for feedback from the community on how to spend £35,000 allocated to one of Portobello’s playparks. Respondents were asked to indicate their preference for one of the following:  Replacement equipment for Towerbank Playpark (known as the Fishy Park); Additional equipment including an accessible swing for wheelchair users at […]

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Revised Plans To Demolish 14 Bath Street (Listed Former Cinema)

Posted on: January 24th, 2017

The owners of 14 Bath Street – the former bingo hall and George Cinema – have now submitted revised proposals to demolish the majority of the building and create a residential block of 20 units, parking and related landscaping. The proposals include:-  demolition of the majority of the building  retention of the original art deco facade where […]

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Public Feedback Re Lease of Straiton Place Park for Bouncy Castle, Bungee Trampoline, Roundabout and Refreshment Stall

Posted on: January 24th, 2017

City of Edinburgh Council Parks Dept requested public feedback on the proposed lease of part of Straiton Place Park for a bouncy castle, bungee trampoline, roundabout and refreshment stall for the period March to October . People were asked to indicate their preference regarding the overall proposal, the length of lease and the proposed community benefit […]

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