• Portobello Community Council
  • c/o 14 Rosefield Avenue
  • Portobello
  • EH15 1AU

Review of Community Council Scheme

Posted on: February 7th, 2019

Progress on the review of the City of Edinburgh Council Community Council Scheme: “I am writing to update you on the consultation process currently underway with regard to the Review of the Scheme. Following the preliminary period of consultation a draft Scheme has been produced. A summary of the consultation process and key findings are […]

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Have Your Say On Council Spending Plans

Posted on: November 21st, 2018

Planning for Change, Delivering Services 2019-2023 City of Edinburgh Council has projected it needs to save £106m over the next four years as demand for its services increase.  It has launched a range of methods for the public to feed back ideas on how changes to spending should be implemented. For example, you could try your […]

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Democracy Matters Conversation: People to have their say on Scotland’s public services

Posted on: June 6th, 2018

People to have their say on Scotland’s public services People across Scotland are being invited to join a conversation about community decision-making to help make public services more locally focused. The Democracy Matters conversation will identify new legal rights for communities which would place them at the heart of decision-making. The Democracy Matters conversation is […]

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Can You Help Improve Porty Prom?

Posted on: May 23rd, 2018

After the public meeting the Friends of Porty Prom are looking to take forward a few items: play markings at the bottom of John St; accessibility/dementia audit; planters; and an audio trail. If you would like to help us work on this, please contact friendsofportyprom@gmail.com. There is still have a large list of ideas from the meeting […]

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New Porty Street Names to be Adamslaw Place, Barnie Terrace and Cunningham Square

Posted on: May 8th, 2018

The Council have provisionally given the following names to the new streets planned as part of the Baileyfield South development:- Adamslaw Place: Adam’s Law is a historic name for the land the development is being built on, as seen on a plan of Portobello from 1783 (copy attached). It was the source of the clay […]

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School Crossing Patrol Review – Parents and Carers

Posted on: April 19th, 2018

From the Edinburgh Council consultation hub: "Our school crossing guides continue to deliver an excellent and highly valued service to communities across Edinburgh and we want to make sure this continues. We have already studied our existing patrol sites; how many people use them, traffic levels and where they are located. We are now getting […]

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Public Meeting: The Future of Pitz and Tumbles

Posted on: November 3rd, 2017

The Future of the Pitz. A meeting at Portobello Town Hall on Wednesday 15th November at 7pm. Portobello Community Council has organised a public meeting at Portobello Town Hall in recognition of the strength of local opposition to the proposed development plans of the Pitz area and adjacent areas upon their sale by Edinburgh Council. […]

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Community Survey on Powerleague and Tumbles Land Sale

Posted on: September 22nd, 2017

Should recreational facilities be sold to fund Meadowbank? We need your views on the Tumbles and Powerleague sale proposals. http://www.portobellocc.org/pitz Please note: This survey is being conducted by Portobello Community Council to gather views from the community on the principle of the sale and other issues not addressed by the City of Edinburgh Council survey. […]

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Edinburgh Setted Streets Consultation

Posted on: September 14th, 2017

City of Edinburgh Council is developing a strategy for the protection and management of setted streets in the city. A key part of this is gathering the views of the public on the value of setted streets and their contribution to Edinburgh’s cityscape. Have your say by taking the online survey. http://bit.ly/setts_survey

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Your Help Needed: Powerleague and Tumbles Land Sale Survey

Posted on: August 24th, 2017

Please help by giving your views on City of Edinburgh Council proposals to sell off land at Westbank Street, Portobello, including the Powerleague football pitches, Tumbles Car Park and potentially Tumbles as well. First advertised for sale in February, the site has attracted 22 bids from 12 developers covering a range of options but mostly comprising […]

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