• Portobello Community Council
  • c/o 14 Rosefield Avenue
  • Portobello
  • EH15 1AU

Scottish Government Land Reform Consultation Launched

Posted on: December 3rd, 2014

For your awareness a Consultation on the Future of Land Reform in Scotland is published by the Scottish Government on 2 December 2014 at: http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2014/12/9659   There is also a page on the SG website on land reform that links to the consultation:- http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/Environment/land-reform   If you have any queries please email LandReform@scotland.gsi.gov.uk  

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Results of the Hunter’s Hall Park survey

Posted on: November 20th, 2014

  This is the final and complete version of all the results of the Hunter’s Hall questionnaire survey, including the returns by paper copy.  It also includes an analysis of the results for the local postcodes of EH15 and EH16.   The results will form part of the update report to the Culture and Sport […]

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Representation on Baileyfield Cruden Homes and Aldi planning application

Posted on: October 30th, 2014

Planning Application 14/03736/PPP: “Demolition of buildings + develop’t for residential, retail, sui generis + retirement apartments, detailed matters for retail store (siting, design, access + l’scaping) detailed matters of residential (max no. + heights of units, layout + points of vehicular/pedestrian access + egress). | Site 100 Metres West Of 17-21 Portobello High Street Edinburgh” […]

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St John’s RC Primary Consultation Meeting Tonight

Posted on: October 28th, 2014

There is a meeting tonight, Tuesday 28 October, re the public consultation on a new St John’s RC Primary. The meeting will take place at the school, starting 7.30 pm. The consultation is on the location for the new St. John’s RC Primary School. There is funding in place to rebuild the school and the […]

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Edinburgh’s budget challenge – have your say

Posted on: October 22nd, 2014

Edinburgh’s budget challenge The Council is facing a budget challenge which affects how much money we have to invest in our services in the coming years. The amount of money we get from the Government and through Council Tax has remained about the same, yet it’s costing us more money to run services and there […]

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Response to 20MPH Consultation

Posted on: October 20th, 2014

On 3 June 2014 Edinburgh Council’s Transport and Environment Committee approved consultation on extending 20mph speed limits to many roads in Edinburgh. Portobello Community Council undertook consultation to inform its response to Edinburgh Council. Our consultation was carried out in-person at the Portobello Village Show, plus online. The online consultation was promoted by email, Facebook, […]

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Baileyfield Major Development Consultation Launched

Posted on: October 3rd, 2014

Portobello Community Council wants to hear your views on a major development which could shape Baileyfield, Portobello, and the surrounding area for years to come. Supermarket chain Aldi and housebuilders Cruden have submitted an application for outline planning permission in principle for a residential development of around 220 new homes and detailed planning permission for […]

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PCC response to Second Proposed Local Plan regarding Brunstane

Posted on: October 2nd, 2014

Portobello Community Council objects to the release of Greenbelt at Brunstane for housing.  Having consulted with the community we have ascertained a range of views and whilst there is some support for the proposals, there appears to be a significantly greater body of opinion opposed. The attached document “PCC ELDP2 Consultation Summary” summarises the consultation […]

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Have You Say on the Council’s Tenant Participation Strategy

Posted on: October 1st, 2014

  Through conversations with tenants and other stakeholders, the City of Edinburgh Council is updating its Tenant Participation Strategy. The consultation targets City of Edinburgh Council tenants but the views of other stakeholders are very welcome too.   You can have your say on the Tenant Participation Strategy in a range of different ways – […]

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Consultation on Proposals for the location of St John’s RC Primary School

Posted on: September 26th, 2014

  The Council are consulting on three possible options for the future location of St John’s RC Primary School. The consultation period runs for eight weeks, from today, Friday 26 September until Friday 14 November 2014.    The three proposed options are listed below.   ·        Option 1 – Refurbishment and partial new build on […]

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