• Portobello Community Council
  • c/o 14 Rosefield Avenue
  • Portobello
  • EH15 1AU

Review of children’s hospital services in Lothian

Posted on: January 12th, 2016

  Review of children’s hospital services in Lothian   Following problems with keeping St John’s children’s ward open overnight during the summer; NHS Lothian has invited the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) to conduct a review of children’s hospital services at St John’s and the Royal Hospital for Sick Children to identify […]

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Edinburgh’s budget challenge – last chance to have your say

Posted on: December 14th, 2015

Edinburgh’s budget challenge – last chance to have your say If you’ve already shared your views on our budget proposals – thank you!   If you haven’t, you have until 17 December to have your say. This is your opportunity to tell us your ideas about how we save £126m, increase income and deliver services.  […]

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Antisocial Behaviour in Edinburgh – What should be done about it?

Posted on: November 16th, 2015

The Edinburgh Community Safety Partnership, on behalf of its partners and stakeholders including the City of Edinburgh Council and Police Scotland, are looking to consult with residents and visitors of Edinburgh about their experience and opinions of Antisocial Behaviour in Edinburgh.  We want to know how antisocial behaviour affects you, what you think we should […]

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Underground Coal Gasification consultation results – 90% object

Posted on: November 6th, 2015

Portobello Community Council undertook a consultation to ascertain community views on Underground Coal Gasification (UCG). This is the most relevant form of unconventional gas extraction to the immediate area. The results show overwhelming opposition, with 90% either objecting or strongly objecting. UCG is a process which converts coal into syngas. The gasification is carried out […]

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Street Traders and Market Operators Consultation

Posted on: October 26th, 2015

    The City of Edinburgh Council is currently undertaking a consultation and review exercise to identify any changes which are considered necessary in terms of Street Traders and Market Operators. We are now inviting views on issues which should be considered for policy development. Should you wish to comment please visit   https://consultationhub.edinburgh.gov.uk/sfc/street-trading-market-operator-licensing and […]

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Response to SESPlan MIR consultation

Posted on: October 5th, 2015

Copy of response made by Portobello Community Council to the SESPlan MIR (main issues report). Summary On reviewing the SESPlan MIR Portobello Community Council took the position to gather local resident’s views on a single issue within the report. It was hoped that this would also help to promote residents to then consider and respond to […]

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Towerbank Catchment Review – Council Officers Recommend Option 4, including Sibling Guarantee

Posted on: October 1st, 2015

Towerbank Catchment Review Recommendations The Council are asked to approve, as set out in Option 4 of the consultation paper: the changes to the catchment areas of Towerbank Primary School and its neighbouring primaries,  a sibling guarantee is put in place for qualifying families living in the affected areas of the current Towerbank catchment area.  […]

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Barratt Flats, Colonies and Town Houses Application Submitted

Posted on: September 23rd, 2015

Flats Town Houses     Colonies     Barratt Homes is seeking design approval for 105 housing units at Baileyfield including flats, colonies and town houses. Since planning permission has already been given in principle, Barratt are seeking approval for the details of the design, the landscaping, car and cycle parking, and the materials proposed. Full details […]

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Fishwives Causeway Affordable Homes Design Proposal Submitted

Posted on: September 23rd, 2015

Cruden Homes have submitted a request for planning approval of the design of a single block of 52 affordable housing units on Fishwives Causeway. The flats will be 1 and 2-bedroom and a mix of tenures offered through Port of Leith Housing Association Since planning permission has already been given in principle, Cruden are seeking […]

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Parking in Edinburgh – Consultation

Posted on: September 18th, 2015

        A consultation is underway on parking in Edinburgh. The draft parking action plan  sets out a range of actions and was approved by the Transport and Environment Committee on 25 August. The main actions include:   ·         The extension of parking controls to cover weekends/Sundays and into the evening ·         The […]

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