Ahead of the local election hustings
Portobello Community Council invited all candidates to submit 100 words to introduce themselves. Please see these below
Kate Campbell – SNP
I’m the current SNP councillor for Portobello Craigmillar, and the convener of the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work committee. For the last five years it’s been a privilege to represent this community, and work together with the community council, local people and groups, and the other ward councillors for better outcomes for our area. It’s also been five years of making progressive change at the city level, declaring a climate emergency, building council houses and making our city fairer. If re-elected I will continue to fight hard to make our city, and our community, fairer and greener for all.
Tim Jones – Conservative
Tim’s earlier career was spent as a primary school teacher where he was a music specialist. He, also, is passionate about the teaching of reading and writing and is keen to bring this experience to his work as a Councillor, if elected. He then worked abroad teaching English with The British Council in Naples in Italy. Latterly, he was a Financial Planning Consultant with a major Scottish Company in Aberdeen before moving back to Edinburgh in 2000 as a Consultant in Customer Relations and worked at Baileyfield for several years. He combined this with playwriting. His first play was performed in Edinburgh in 2014.
Andrew McDonald – Independent
Basically, I’m independent and would judge every issue on its merits. I’m not for the established oligarchy of the iron heel, the party machines. I’m the person standing against the tank in Tianamen Square. I’m standing for democracy. I love Portobello. Born there m8. I remember the days of the old open air pool and power station. I’m a street fighter and romantic at heart with moral principles. However, I’m not any good with IT. I think the sale of Porty golf course was awful. I think a man’s a man and a woman is a woman and trans people can do what they want. I’m straight forward, sonic. Portobello is a lovely place and must be defended. I don’t want to be in the trough and that’s why I’m independent.
Jane Meagher – Labour
I’ve lived in Portobello for 36 years. Two of my children went to local schools and my third to Graysmill Special School. I’ve been active against injustice all my adult life – in the anti-apartheid movement in my teens; a shop steward and Equalities Officer in my union; and a founder member of Edinburgh’s Rape Crisis Centre.My excellent knowledge of how the Council works, alongside my years as a youth and community worker, help me understand the challenges in communities and how to tackle them.Volunteering with Bethany gives me an insight into the many causes and effects of homelessness in our city.
Alys Mumford – Green
Hi, I’m Alys, the Scottish Green Party Candidate for Portobello/Craigmillar. I’ve lived in Edinburgh for over a decade and am a regular commuter to Portobello where I work, swim, and get involved in local action.I work for a women’s equality charity, and have a background in working for climate change and anti-austerity charities. I currently chair the Women 5050 campaign for equal representation in politics, and sit on the board of Tripod, a collective providing training in social justice issues.I’m really pleased that Portobello Community Council is putting on a hustings and am looking forward to answering all your questions!
Heather Pugh – Labour
I’m Heather Pugh, one of two Labour and Co-operative candidates. I’m a disabled powerchair user. Thirty years a civil servant working closely with Ministers and very active both with CPSA and PCS. I’m a very active volunteer with Granton Goes Greener, continuing to aid people through phone/internet while shielding. Also a member of End Poverty Edinburgh since it’s inception working closely with council officers and the Poverty Alliance. I’ve campaigned on disabled rights for many years now, even before I became disabled myself. I watch many sports. I sew, do patchwork, mixed media, papercrafts, embroidery and more.
Jill Reilly – Lib Dem
No response received.
Simon Clark Shedden – SNP
I’ve worked in the ward for a decade now. Firstly helping homeless families to find permanent, settled, housing and then in welfare rights. My experience working in frontline services was hugely powerful and persuaded me to get involved in politics. I am a passionate campaigner and advocate for people on low incomes, and those experiencing poverty and homelessness. For the last six years I have worked alongside Tommy Sheppard, MP for Edinburgh East. As well as supporting Tommy as MP, I help many constituents, particularly with social security, housing and immigration casework. I’m also an environmentalist and want to see the just transition accelerated so we can reach net zero in Edinburgh by 2030.
Anne Todd – Alba
As a mature woman, I will be the strong voice that women need right now, and protect child safeguarding, upholding all the characteristics in the 2010 Equality Act. Born in 1967, I have lived in Edinburgh outskirts most of my life, growing up in Midlothian. I am a YES activist since 2014, having moved from SNP campaigning to Alba a year ago. If chosen, I will utilise the same principle of Unconditional Positive Regard undertaken in my work as a health professional to serve the residents of Edinburgh. Believing strongly in the social contract, I vow to promote quality services in areas of health and social care, education and welfare. Elevation of poverty is another area of high importance, urgent relief is needed in the upcoming cost of living increase that will see many scared to use their gas or electricity. In an energy rich nation, this is ridiculous. Alba promote the creation of a state owned energy company, as previously promised by the SNP. I will work cross party to try and alleviate hardship as much as I can at a local level. A seasoned environmental campaigner, I will advocate strongly for improved animal welfare.