The emails I have been sending out for more than 15 years (I think) have been greatly appreciated. A lot of you say so and over 500 actually signed up! However – I am going to stop right now.
The main reason is that this week, I had my ability to send or reply to emails blocked and it took me three days of nagging to get it back again! I could receive emails but not respond to anyone! The Council’s ICT Security system ‘thought’ I was sending out spam. It might block this one too. The ultimate solution is to go through hoops to set up a Distribution List. I really don’t want to spend time doing that, if you don’t mind!
Another reason is that the serious run-up to the 5 May Council Elections starts next week. I usually continue these regular email Updates until then. I usually manage to stay the right side of the law that prohibits the use of Council facilities for political or campaigning purposes. But I am so very enthusiastic about a potential successor, who would continue this Update habit, it might prove far too tempting. I’m sure any successor would know all about distribution lists. Of course, I won’t pass over your details to anyone unless you explicitly ask me to.
Thank you for your challenge, feedback and support over the years!
Kindest regards
Councillor Maureen Child
Labour Councillor Portobello/Craigmillar Ward
Office: 0131 529 3268
Mobile: 07718 666 481
Facebook Page: Maureen Child Standing Up for Portobello/Craigmillar