• Portobello Community Council
  • c/o 14 Rosefield Avenue
  • Portobello
  • EH15 1AU

Maureen Child Update 4 February 2022

Posted on: February 4th, 2022

Dear All


I am so very excited that the new Castlebrae Community Campus will be open soon – and just before I retire!  The building is now scheduled for completion on Monday 11 April and the building will officially open for students on Wednesday 27 April. 


A chance to celebrate one or more of our small High Street businesses under a range of categories.  Click here: Celebrating Small Business Awards Free to enter, open to all (FSB members and non-members) and with a category to suit all sectors, the deadline is fast approaching: Sunday 13 February 2022. I already made a nomination myself – guess which!

Historic Environment Scotland (HES) has updated us on their Holyrood Park Low Road, currently closed to all because of a risk of rock fall at Samson’s Ribs.  It’s their road, their responsibility, not a Council road. HES say they intend to install rock catch fencing in carefully selected areas to further protect Low Road users and allow the road and pedestrian routes to re-open. As the Park is a Scheduled Ancient Monument, all works must minimise impact on the site and they need a scheduled monument consent, not yet in place.  HES are busy working up the detailed design and procuring specialist contractors to undertake the works. All this is taking time, and that is frustrating, but HES do have to work within set parameters and processes for all aspects of this project and works. They say they hope to be able to reopen in April.

The huge C. Leylandii on Brunstane Road South, is causing problems for residents and the time has probably come to remove the hedge altogether.  Council officers have established that they are on Network Rail land. Even if that were not the case, the railway authority would need to be closely involved and it’s a big undertaking. This issue will take months to resolve and residents will need to be consulted too.


Work to construct a new path round the edge of Newcraighall Park was due to start this week and Joppa Quarry Park is next on the list.  


In Newcraighall, people are worried about road safety. New developments have opened up new paths there and increased the local population. There are two pedestrian crossing obligations in the Section 75 agreements with housing developers – for the Barratt site to the north and the Avant Homes site to the south of Newcraighall Road.  I’m told that both these developers have been in contact with transport officers to get approval for the design, location and installation of these crossings.  One is to be a new piece of infrastructure, the other an upgrade of an existing crossing.


Yet more housing? Pre-application consultation by applicants in an on-line event which is scheduled for next Wednesday 9 February between 3pm and 7pm at www.thewispdevelopment-edinburgh.co.uk. In addition to this interactive event, they will also accept comments on the proposals up to 2 March via the website or via email to thewispdevelopmentedinburgh@iceniprojects.com. This is to help shape the proposed development, before any application lodged.  Once that happens, there is an opportunity to comment to the planners who will then assess whether or not to recommend the application be granted, using the Local Development Plan to make that assessment.


Does Edinburgh have enough land supply for housing to meet need and demand?  Find out here: https://planningedinburgh.com/2022/02/01/hlacp2021/


Quite few constituents have expressed to me a big worry about the use of fireworks and the impact on their pets.  It’s good to hear that Scottish Government is moving to bring in a licensing regime:  https://news.stv.tv/scotland/scots-will-need-licence-to-buy-or-use-fireworks-under-proposed-new-law


I absolutely love this from Portobello Central! The who, what and where of food is a great part of Portobello life.  Read about the people and their recipes in “Porty Food Map: The Traders’ Stories” available for pre-publication purchase here: https://www.portobellocentral.org/porty-food-map-the-traders-stories/.  I’ve pre-ordered three – so far!


It’s a pity that the Portobello Market had to be cancelled his month, on safety grounds, due to the forecast of driving rain and high winds.  I hope we do manage to get out and about nonetheless, wrapped up warm and staying safe.  Have a good weekend! 




Councillor Maureen Child

Labour Councillor Portobello/Craigmillar Ward

Office: 0131 529 3268

Mobile: 07718 666 481

Facebook Page: Maureen Child Standing Up for Portobello/Craigmillar

Twitter: @MaureenMChild1

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