Dear All
You may have seen the yellow boards – there’s a scheduled overnight closure of Brighton Place/Southfield Place at the bridge for at most four nights next week, from Monday 17 January, 10pm to 6.30am. I suspect this is to do with bridge maintenance or inspection, but I haven’t got that confirmed yet.
Portobello groundhog day for me this week. At Development Management Sub-Committee, the applications to demolish all bar the frontage of former George Cinema, 14 Bath Street, and build a 21 unit residential development were again unanimously refused at a Hearing. This decision is in line with Historic Environment Scotland’s advice and planning policy and recommendation. And the support of all local Ward Councillors and 85% of those who responded to a Portobello Community Council consultation. Cllr Kate Campbell and I spoke at the Hearing in full support of Friends of the George’s very cogent arguments for retaining, conserving and reopening this iconic C-listed building before the current owners allow it to deteriorate even further. Their exact same scheme was rejected unanimously by Committee in 2018 and the decision upheld at appeal to the Scottish Government Reporter. There is already a well-worked plan to retain and reuse of this valued local landmark. It is high time the current owners either put the site back on the market or engaged positively with Friends of the George about realistic and deliverable plans to reopen the building as a cinema and community resource from which we can all benefit. You can find the webcast here and judge for yourselves:
For the first episode of The Porty Podcast in 2022, Hazel Darwin-Clements picked up on a comment in Porty People about a possible use for Christmas trees – could they protect us from floods? Well, there’s a project down the road in Musselburgh which is doing just that – so she went along to find out more. Listen here:
And while we’re still in listening mode, I found this little gem on Radio 4 this week:
Some fabulous photos from the 1950s and 1960s show a vibrant community life in Craigmillar. A fabulous archive:
Portobello Community Orchard are having their annual wassail in person at the orchard on Saturday 29 January from 2-4 pm. There will be the customary singing, dancing and dousing of the trees with cider to encourage a bountiful harvest in the coming growing season, a bonfire and refreshments. As the risk of Covid-19 infection persists, people should take the following precautions: • please do not attend if you feel unwell • do a lateral flow test in advance to ensure you are not infected • keep your distance from others outside your own household, especially when singing. Other than that, it’s a welcome revival of a fun event to brighten up a winter’s day and help us to look forward to warmer weather and better times.
The streetlights between Brunstane Station and Gilberstoun have been obscured by tree branches to a degree that makes the walk feel unsafe. They were inspected this week and a work order drawn up. Fixed soon I hope!
This is another bit of good news, I think:
Some fabulous photos from the 1950s and 1960s show a vibrant community life in Craigmillar. A great part of the growing archive:
That’s all for this week. Have a great weekend and stay well!
Councillor Maureen Child
Labour Councillor Portobello/Craigmillar Ward
Office: 0131 529 3268
Mobile: 07718 666 481
Facebook Page: Maureen Child Standing Up for Portobello/Craigmillar
Twitter: @MaureenMChild1