Dear All
Happy New Year! This is not how I would ever celebrate it, but hats off to those who can and do!
This is more my kind of activity – Edinburgh & Lothian Greenspace Trust and the Council are working in partnership to deliver four ‘Wee Forests’ and are planting in Peacocktail Close, off Newcraighall Road, this Sunday, 9 January, 11am to 2 pm with all the planting kit and trees provided. Adult, children and families all welcome. More information, contact is Ben McCallum on 07507375280 or just turn up and join in if you like!
Part of Portobello’s recent history, but decidedly not one to be proud of:
Bus travel in Scotland is going to be free for young people very soon, but you do need a ‘proof of identity’ card. This is how to get one:
I found this recently and though some of you might love it, and others hate it. Food for thought:
Finally, flashback here to Porty’s brilliant wonderful Window Wonderland 2021:
Technically, I am still on a break, but yesterday went on a sire visit of the Local Review Body of Councillors that hear appeals on applications that officers have refused under delegated authority…way more than you need to know! Anyway, I took a walk out to the Dalmeny Estate afterwards and recalled how I once abseiled from the Forth Rail Bridge to help raise cash for the amazing Thistle Foundation, based in Craigmillar. How did I ever do that?! You can find out yourself and raise cash for a local cause too. Richmond’s Hope children’s bereavement charity are planning to do it this year. Just a thought. Website : and Facebook Page showing very its local roots:
More next week. Have a great weekend!
Councillor Maureen Child
Labour Councillor Portobello/Craigmillar Ward
Office: 0131 529 3268
Mobile: 07718 666 481
Facebook Page: Maureen Child Standing Up for Portobello/Craigmillar
Twitter: @MaureenMChild1