Dear All
This weekend is Heart Talk Porty, a chance for the community to shape what Portobello/Joppa will be like in the future. For last week’s Porty Podcast, Hazel Darwin-Clements spoke to Eva Schonveld, Justin Kenrick, Jennifer Elliot and Lynn Houmdi about it. More information on the website:
The podcast here:
One of my Update readers sent me this link, which might give some food for thought:
The draft City Plan 2030 will guide development in the city for the next 10 years and includes things like housing and transport infrastructure. There are many positives to take from this plan, which proposes brown field sites and no further erosion of the Green Belt. You find out more here:
Arch White who took a series of photographs during the construction of Sir Harry Lauder Road aka The Portobello Bypass in the 1980s. Portobello Heritage Trust sent out the link to their members. They can be found here: More on Portobello Heritage Trust, including how to join, here:
Craigmillar and Niddrie Community Festival 2022 is in the planning phase. Did you participate in the festival in 2021? What are your thoughts? What worked well? What could be done better? If you didn’t participate in 2021, would you like to in 2022? Come share your thoughts and ideas on how to make Craigmillar and Niddrie Community Festival even better for 2022! Join the team at The White House Café, 70 Niddrie Mains Road 6.30pm-8pm Monday 29 November
Great to see the involvement of Royal Infirmary staff planting trees at Little France Park. More here:
Scottish Water updated Councillors and Portobello Community Council about the broken sewer the outflow at the Figgate Burn. Click here:
Last week Councillors discussed whether or not the recycling centres should return to a drop in free-for-all rather than the appointment system put in place in response to the pandemic More here: council-to-keep-booking-system-for-recycling-centres-at-least-for-now-3456694 What do you think, if you have used the system at Seafield or Craigmillar? Is it better or worse?
Quite a few people have recently retired and we need new crossing patrol people, particularly where there are no traffic lights and it’s particularly hard for children crossing alone. Portobello need coverage at Mountcastle Drive North, Brighton Place/The High Street and Southfield Place/Baileyfield Road. Do tell anyone who might be interested in the job:
Here’s a direct link to Greta McMillan’s fabulous COP26 top award winning film I told you about last week:
Have a good weekend!
Kind regards
Councillor Maureen Child
Labour Councillor Portobello/Craigmillar Ward
Office: 0131 529 3268
Mobile: 07718 666 481
Facebook Page: Maureen Child Standing Up for Portobello/Craigmillar
Twitter: @MaureenMChild1
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