• Portobello Community Council
  • c/o 14 Rosefield Avenue
  • Portobello
  • EH15 1AU

Maureen Child Update 29 October 2021

Posted on: October 29th, 2021

Dear All


Garden waste permits are being sent out from this week so – if you registered – do keep an eye out in the post. There might be a change to your collection day for your brown bin as routes have been worked out on the basis of who signed up where. Registration reopens 1 December 2021 for anyone who missed the first 2021/22 deadline back in September.


Halloween Market is at Newhailes House and Garden this weekend for some ‘spooktakular’ stalls at their market on Saturday 30 and Sunday 31 October, 9.30am-4pm.


Our wonderful NE Locality parks and greenspace manager Scott Thomson and I did a walkabout of the section of the Magdalene Burn on the boundary of Hunters Hall Park last week with a local constituent who knows loads about the flow of water around the Edmonstone Estate. It’s a long involved story, going back years, and I’m not sure it has a happy ending, but I have involved planning enforcement and SEPA, hoping they have some teeth and are prepared to use them.  I also learned from Scott how to detect ash die-back and we checked the drainage covers on the new skatepark to the east of the Jack Kane Centre.  Good to catch up with both these two great people!


Following our meeting, Scott is also asking if a path around the southern part of Joppa Quarry Park would still be welcome? This would finish off some improvements that have happened in phases over the years, as resources became available. There is Capital funding available for this path now and maybe a couple of other things in the pipeline, so views would be appreciated. Please see http://www.portobellocc.org/pccpn/2021/10/27/joppa-quarry-park-new-path/ for details.  Scott says that connecting up the two circular paths, given this is an infilled quarry, is probably not practically possible and certainly would prove very costly indeed. Room for football and sledging down the slope would remain  The path would provide another circuit for small people on bikes and trikes and would also be good for older people with mobility aids.  Maybe we could ask for a couple ofusbenches too? Portobello Community Council is helping us Councillors collect feedback for Scott, so if you have any thoughts, please do email secretary@portobellocc.org by midnight on 7 November.


This is the season for bonfires and fireworks.  Some useful advice here for the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.  Stay safe!

 https://www.firescotland.gov.uk/your-safety/bonfire-safety.aspx and



For me this week has been focussed on reading and reflecting on the full un-redacted report by Susan Tanner QC on the truly appalling Sean Bell Inquiry, which made profoundly difficult reading.  In her report, Ms Tanner makes recommendations for the Council to act upon and an all party amendment was unanimously passed by Councillors at today’s meeting. This includes taking forward all the recommendations in the report and the subsequent action plan from the Chief Executive that will be brought to the next Full Council meeting.


Great to see progress on this important consultation in Black History Month this year:  https://consultationhub.edinburgh.gov.uk/sfc/edinburgh-slavery-and-colonialism-legacy-review-on/


This week the British Heart Foundation, in partnership with the Resuscitation Council UK and the Scottish Ambulance Service, launched a campaign to encourage individuals who look after publicly accessible defibrillators across Scotland to register the defibrillator on The Circuit.  Do have a look to see if there are ones you know about yet to be registered.  https://www.bhf.org.uk/how-you-can-help/how-to-save-a-life/defibrillators/national-defibrillator-network-the-circuit


A piece here about how the weather is changing to winter: https://www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com/news/watch-paddleboarders-rescued-near-portobello-beach-amid-changing-weather-conditions-3431099


Last week’s fab Porty Podcast link here to the interview with Oli about ‘Let it Grow’ and Oi Musica that I told you about last week: https://www.buzzsprout.com/71622/9379883


The Travelling Gallery will be in Porty again tomorrow, Saturday 30 October, as part of their original planned visit to Art Walk Porty. It’s a great group show called ‘Shapes of Water’ with work relevant to current climate concerns, around our relationship with coasts and water.

Open 11-5.


Portobello Central are planning a Portobello Food Map and Recipe Book with Porty Foodie businesses as a fundraiser for the Town Hall, to promote those great businesses and to celebrate Porty as the food destination it is. Would you buy such an item? What would you want it to have in it? Want to be involved? Contact Portobello Central on hello@portobellocentral.org


Save the Dates! Portobello Central have some fantastic festive activities coming up in December!  Christmas Lights Switch On  and Christmas Comedy Night – Friday 3 December; Christmas Jumper Day – Thursday 9 December. Look out for a range of other festive activities taking place nearer the time, including the return of the stained glass window making!


Thinking of improving your breadmaking skills? Or a gift for someone who might want to take it up?  Click here for a local course: https://facebook.com/events/s/sourdough-bread-course-27-febr/2908977016035019/


I’m joining the Cockburn Association’s ‘By Leaves we Live’ conference  this weekend for a panel discussion chaired by Terry Levinthal.  Tickets are free, but you need to book via the website which shpows thw whole programme:  https://www.cockburnassociation.org.uk/event/by-leaves-we-live-cockburn-conference/

Have a great weekend, whatever you do!




Councillor Maureen Child

Labour Councillor Portobello/Craigmillar Ward

Office: 0131 529 3268

Mobile: 07718 666 481

Facebook Page: Maureen Child Standing Up for Portobello/Craigmillar

Twitter: @MaureenMChild1