Dear All
I’m back! Many thanks to my Portobello/Craigmillar Ward Councillor colleagues and my brilliant casework assistant Vivienne bearing down on my inbox and taking up local issues as they came in. Just over 100 emails left for me to deal with this time. What a team!
Yesterday I celebrated Apple Day 2021 in Craigmillar at the Thistle Orchard where Eilidh’s apple pie was delicious and a group of small kids were immersed in the stories read by Katie from Craigmillar Literacy Trust. Good to chat to Karin about community growing – in all senses. Then I had a meeting over a cuppa with a lovely constituent in the Whitehouse Kitchen. Nice to meet up with people face to face!
Local Portobello youth street band Brass Blast are in a film for COP26. The shoot was on Porty beach so there are lots of familiar shots and it’s a great sound too, carrying such an important message for us all! Watch here: This is part of the fabulous ‘Let it Grow’ project. Find out all about it here: Or do listen to this week’s Porty Podcast out tomorrow, Saturday, with Oli Furness talking about it.
The Scottish Chamber Orchestra’s new project ‘Craigmillar Voices’ offers two sessions this year on Friday afternoons, led by vocal animateur and workshop leader, Moira Morrison. 1pm – 2pm for children (aged P4-P7); 2.30pm – 3.30pm for adults (tea/coffee from 2pm). It’s fun and informal, a chance to discover your inner musician and find your voice together with friends old and new! Find out more by emailing
St Mark’s Church, Portobello’s ‘Wednesday Wonderings’ continue on the last Wednesday of the month from 12noon to 2pm for soup and bread, tea and cake and a talk and discussion. Next week, Wednesday 27 October, Pet Lewis speaks about a career caring for the elderly. All are welcome. Free!
Last week, Living Streets talked to the Councils transport and environment committee on the need to improve pedestrian crossings across the city, including Portobello. You can see the full list of timings which volunteers recorded across the city on their website at this link: I’ve done a bit of this myself on my walkabouts and am meeting up with David Hunter of Edinburgh Living Streets next week.
In their support of young people in the Craigmillar and Niddrie communities, the Jack Kane Community Centre is recognised widely as exceptionally good. They have been awarded three-year funding through BBC Children in Need. They are the first community centre in Scotland with the community learning and development standards mark for the quality of the educational experience they provide. Thanks to Cllr Kate Campbell, we four Ward Councillors have agreed a congratulatory Motion to Full Council next week, asking the Lord Provost to formally recognise the Jack Kane team’s exemplary achievements.
At last, in response to the serious injury accident to a child crossing that road, design consultant has been appointed to progress the design of speed reduction measures in Abercorn Terrace. Their work will begin with a site visit and survey to inform a detailed design of build-outs at the junctions at Pittville Street and John Street, in line with the design principles of Edinburgh Street Design Guidance: A preliminary design will be submitted to Council officers by 8 November with a view to confirming the detailed design by 6 December 2021. Thanks to Portobello Community Council for helping us keep on top of this issue.
This is looks like an interesting Newhailes event for Black History Month:
And here’s interesting local Joppa family history piece:
Catching up on the Porty Podcasts I missed in the last two weeks and maybe you did too – on Stitches For Survival:
and on Kawa Coffee Roasting:
It is now illegal to set off fireworks before 6pm and after 11pm – or midnight on November 5 and 1am on Hogmanay, Chinese New Year and Diwali. More on fireworks safety here:
Historic Environment Scotland (HES) have told us that works to manage the Samson’s Ribs rockface above Duddingston Low Road have been agreed. They include a catchment fence to mitigate the ongoing risk from rockfall. They say the works will be done ASAP, but they must ensure that the appropriate processes for granting statutory consent on a Special Site of Scientific Interest (SSSI) and Scheduled Ancient Monument (SMC) are complied with, and the necessary expertise and materials can be procured appropriately. HS aim to complete this work by early 2022 allowing for the return of public access to this area of the park. While it’s never ideal to restrict access in the park, the safety of visitors and staff is paramount. The good news is that as the danger of a rockfall on to the Innocent Railway Path is now minimal, that key active travel route can be re-opened to the public.
Fantastic news that the amazing Dads Rock are starting a new group, running in Portobello every Monday 10.30am. It starts this coming Monday 25 October for Dads and Babies – and it’s free. More here:
I’m getting my flu jag on Saturday, so I have that to look forward to. Have a great weekend!
Councillor Maureen Child
Labour Councillor Portobello/Craigmillar Ward
Office: 0131 529 3268
Mobile: 07718 666 481
Facebook Page: Maureen Child Standing Up for Portobello/Craigmillar
Twitter: @MaureenMChild1