Dear All
Another plug for the Portobello Energy Survey: Do you want to see EV chargers or Cargo bike rental in Porty? Do you want less congestion and cleaner air? Have any ideas or suggestions? Porty Community Energy is a group of local residents who aim to help reduce our community’s carbon footprint. We need to change the way we travel in order to fight climate change. It is important to find out what our community needs and wants. This online survey takes only 5-10 minutes. Your opinion matters!
Residents Survey:, Local Business:
Portobello Community Council meets this coming Monday. All the information you need and how to join the meeting is here:
This weekend is The Cockburn Association’s 31st Annual Doors Open Days event. Over one hundred fantastic venues across Edinburgh and East Lothian are participating, providing either virtual or, where they can safely do so, in-person and virtual activities. The full programme can be seen on their website:
What to do with stuff we can no longer find a use for? Click here to find out:
A couple of weeks ago, I told you about the letter signed by medical professionals including a Niddrie Practice GP. They sent us a deputation to Full Council this week. You too can listen to why active travel promotion is absolutely the right thing to do, especially for those living in areas of deprivation:
The Porty Parkrun is staying at Figgate Park after there was some concern that Council permission would be withdrawn because of health and safety concerns. Any issues the Council had seem to have been relived and the organisers have been given permission to stay at the Figgy.
The Council putting in new LED street lights in Portobello, Joppa, Duddingston, Niddrie, Craigmillar, Cleikimin, Newcraighall and Brunstane over the next couple of months. It only takes a few minutes to change each light, so there shouldn’t be any disruption. LED lights are better for the environment and cheaper to run. More here:
At this time of year, you might find an exhausted or injured juvenile bird washed up on the beach, mainly guillemots and razorbills. The best thing to do is call the SSPCA. Do share photos and locations with the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology ( as they are looking into the possible causes of the unusual number of juvenile birds washing up this year. It might be a shortage of the sand eels they depend upon for food.
Porty Podcast on Portobello Book Festival last week. Worth a listen too:
Another heart-warming Portobello story from the Edinburgh Evening News:
Following my bit last week about asking for more City Car Club spaces, a keen Update reader told me about Hiyacar – “Like Air BnB for cars” – which enables you to earn money from letting out your vehicle: And apparently you can easily book cheap car hire from the growing range available:
COP26, the most critical climate summit of our lifetimes, is coming to Scotland1-12 November. Portobello social enterprise Oi Musica use music to bring people and communities together, and their latest project invites anyone and everyone from all walks of life to share a clip of music, some words or other creative action online ahead of COP26 – enabling individuals and communities across Scotland to express views on the climate crisis and the urgent need for systems change. All ages and all abilities are encouraged to get involved – from nurseries, schools and elderly care homes to community groups and anyone else up for some creative fun! All ages, all abilities, all welcome. Full info and inspiration clips here Or follow the project on social media @Letitgrow_music /
Portobello’s Artwalk photographic project and their amazing work reaches the BBC this time:–2NP-tGQWdqD3u-3s2YD-9f0aIeoI7Tl5zRI_eO3ReyzPdA
Finally this week, at the full Edinburgh Council, Councillors agreed to sign up to this Civic Charter:
Have a lovely weekend!
Councillor Maureen Child
Labour Councillor Portobello/Craigmillar Ward
Office: 0131 529 3268
Mobile: 07718 666 481
Facebook Page: Maureen Child Standing Up for Portobello/Craigmillar
Twitter: @MaureenMChild1