• Portobello Community Council
  • c/o 14 Rosefield Avenue
  • Portobello
  • EH15 1AU

Maureen Child Update 17/9/2021

Posted on: September 17th, 2021

Dear All


Tickets and printed programmes for this year’s Portobello Book Festival are now available exclusively from Portobello Library, Rosefield Avenue and you don’t need to book a time there anymore.  Just drop in. Some go fast, like free hotcakes!



I thought this was a rather nice piece on Porty from a visitor perspective: https://www.theskinny.co.uk/travel/features/meet-me-halfway-portobello


I had someone get in touch about Edinburgh City Car Club spaces, feeling that there are not enough available.  Here’s the form to request a space nearer you – and do ask your neighbours to do the same:  https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/PX5NN59.  That way more of us get access to a vehicle, as and when we need one, without the burden of owning that bit of expensive kit that stays parked and is a waste of space 90% of the time.


I love these community growing projects:  https://www.facebook.com/CraigmillarCommunityGrows/


They say there’s no such thing as a free lunch, but here you are! St Mark’s Church, Portobello – Wednesday Wonderings

Come to St Mark’s on the last Wednesday of the month 12- 2pm for soup and bread, tea and cake and a talk and discussion.  On Wednesday 29 September Alison Brown, Chair of Beach Wheelchairs will speak about their work on Portobello Beach.  All are welcome. 


Porty made the headlines for all the right reasons again this week:https://www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com/news/environment/edinburghs-silent-disco-dancers-help-clean-up-portobello-beach-3381489


This is a blast from the past! https://www.edinburghlive.co.uk/news/history/rare-colour-photos-show-portobellos-21582522


The Council is proposing on a short term let control area for the whole of Edinburgh.  Have a look here: https://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/news/article/13290/have-your-say-on-short-term-lets


Some local residents may have noticed activity on the ‘New Brunstane’ land between side of and Brunstane House and Newcraighall. The site is owned by the Council through EDI and is in the process of being sold to a consortium of developers.  Some site investigation work is going on just now to prepare for detailed applications to come forward. The Council are progressing the design of school on the site in line with the development Masterplan and it’s at the early design stages.


I missed an early visit to this project last week, but it seems like a great use for that building:  https://www.scottishhousingnews.com/article/lar-opens-latest-development-in-niddrie


Local bus service changes came into effect this week.  Lothian Buses operations manager assured me they will keep monitoring bus use and if they need to put extra buses on a peak periods to meet demand, they will. https://www.lothianbuses.com/news/2021/08/service-change-12-september-2021/


Our worries about the future of Porty Parkrun in Figgate Park are hopefully unfounded. There is no wish by the Council officers to completely ban it, but the council does have concerns about the health and safety pf the large numbers now attending.  All four local Councillors are totally supportive of Parkrun continuing at Figgate Park and working to ensure that happens.


Porty Podcast has a bit about Parkrun over the last couple of weeks and it’s well worth listening to some of their back catalogue too on other topics of keen local interest!  Click here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/71622/9128028-222-is-porty-parkrun-in-jeopardy and https://www.buzzsprout.com/71622/9128146?fbclid=IwAR0QgN4oaVns1vszCYsAi0Ax-hU42I35gSNR0wO2pdvcl0IQTdbJ0YjgDXs


Find out more of what Create have to offer, a fab social enterprise based in Craigmillar: http://www.createbusinessproperties.com/business-community/


The Cockburn Association have a wonderful programme lined up for their 31st Annual Doors Open Days event at the end of this month. Over a hundred wonderful venues across Edinburgh and East Lothian will open for virtual OR in-person visits. View the full programme here: https://cockburnassociation.org.uk/doorsopendays/


This week Edinburgh & Lothian Greenspace Trust (ELGT) found out that Craigmillar Castle Park Community Woodland won the highly contested Scotland’s Finest Woods – Large Community Woodland Award. Very well deserved! Ben MacCallum, ELGT Craigmillar Community Engagement Officer and the local community deserve a great deal of the credit.


And lastly, from the edge of the wonderful Craigmillar Park, a tale of community ownership and their struggles as early adopters in community ownership struggles.  Trailblazers for Portobello Central in our bid to take over Portobello Town Hall.  That bid was hard enough, but I well remember that  Bridgend Inspiring Growth didn’t have it easy and required a lot of solid cross-Party local Councillor backing and huge community support to get it finally agreed!  Listen here: https://vimeo.com/555466702?fbclid=IwAR2DGUIin_MC1WceEBBK0YaXmhw4yhG12xZlJ8n-bqMjYmYfJMvMf4VGxJU


Have a great weekend!




Councillor Maureen Child

Labour Councillor Portobello/Craigmillar Ward

Office: 0131 529 3268

Mobile: 07718 666 481

Facebook Page: Maureen Child Standing Up for Portobello/Craigmillar

Twitter: @MaureenMChild1