Dear All
If Scottish Government approve, Councils will have the power to designate all or part of their area as a short-term let control area. A proposal to consult on the designation of an STL Control Area for the entire Council area was approved by the Planning Committee on 11 August 2021. A public consultation runs from today Friday 3 September until Friday 5 November. More on the Council’s website. The new powers would mean all residential properties, which are not an owner’s principal home, being let as short-term lets in their totality throughout the local authority area would require approval of a ‘change of use’ to a short-term let. Representations regarding the Designation may be made during the consultation period through the Councils Consultation Hub. If you have any queries, do email: and copy me in.
The community engagement (not yet a formal consultation on a set of finalised proposals) on a controlled parking zone for an area of Portobello continues. This allows us to continue our perennial conversation on what kind of action is needed on parking in Portobello, if any. It also allows further comment on what more needs to be done. Thank you very much to the many who have already commented, in detail, and I hope all of you will take that opportunity by email:
and copy me in. This particular period of engagement, on,
has a deadline this weekend – Sunday 5 September 2021 at midnight, but the community conversation will continue, no doubt.
The Porty Podcast last week introduced a new interviewer and it’s about Action Porty’s exercise imagining the future of Portobello. Do have a listen and prepare to take part:
I remember one of my predecessors warning me: “Nothing happens fast in local government, Maureen!” In 26 years, I have learned a level of patience and quiet persistence of which I never thought I was capable. But I might well lose it in the 244 days I have left in office!
We Portobello/Craigmillar Councillors had a meeting with representatives of Portobello Community Council and Spokes Porty about short, medium and longer term changes to make the Kings Road/Sir Harry Lauder Road/Seafield Road junction safer with Council and Police Scotland professionals. We need to work out what will help prevent the kind of accident which resulted in the tragic deaths of two cyclists through two separate collisions with HGVs. The current road markings take cyclists to the most dangerous place for them, according to the Road Safety Audit. Burning off those cycle lane markings is apparently the least we could do short term. But we need a permanent proper solution for vulnerable road users at this major junction and are pressing for the design work to come forward.
Details are being finalised for the 2021 Portobello Book Festival, taking place in the library from 1st – 3rd October. More here:
And about Portobello in the past, listen here:
An event organised by one of the Friends of Figgate Park’s brilliant regular volunteers. Marianne has been leading the development of the new “Medicinal Mini Woodland’ area next to Fruity Corner. It should be a really informative and inspiring afternoon. Numbers are restricted, so if you do book a place, and then find you won’t make it, please remember to ‘unbook’! Details here:
Artwalk Porty is on this weekend with lots to see and do. Programme here: Enjoy!
Might see you at Portoblleo Market tomorrow – ot around and about!
Kind regards
Councillor Maureen Child
Labour Councillor Portobello/Craigmillar Ward
Office: 0131 529 3268
Mobile: 07718 666 481
Facebook Page: Maureen Child Standing Up for Portobello/Craigmillar
Twitter: @MaureenMChild1
p.s. To ‘Opt In’ to get my regular email Ward Update, do just say so in reply to this email, with your name and home address.