• Portobello Community Council
  • c/o 14 Rosefield Avenue
  • Portobello
  • EH15 1AU

Maureen Child Update 27 August 2021

Posted on: August 28th, 2021

Dear All


This week, I decided to deal with the ever increasing pile of emails by going to the bottom of the pile and working upwards. I can’t say that helped get to all the parts not yet reached and if I haven’t yet replied to your email, either bear with me or do let me know!  I have 525 down to 200 or so but they keep on piling up at quite an alarming rate.


Have you received a suspicious email? Maybe it’s asking you to login to an account or “verify” your payment details?

You can report it by forwarding the email to report@phishing.gov.uk.


The Council’s email firewall is a bit brutal nowadays. If you get a knock back message, do alert me and I can easily retrieve your email.  We get a list of messages caught on the server, twice a day.  One click unblocks it.


Portobello Library is open at last for those making appointments, but I am not going to go back to fixed consultations or ‘surgery’ sessions for my remaining 8 months.  Instead I’ll continue to make appointments to meet up with any constituent at a time and place that suits us both.  Just call, text – or email me.


Portobello Community Council meeting next Monday 30th August at 7.30pm. All details here: http://www.portobellocc.org/


The Council’s tortuous engagement on a controlled parking zone in Portobello continues with local people helping to shape any formal proposals which will have to go through an even more tortuous statutory process.  What is on the interactive map now is not a final proposal, but a starting point. I have already been copied into a very helpful and carefully considered response from Portobello Amenity Society. See the proposals map and send in comments here:  https://consultprojectcentre.co.uk/portobellocpz.  The origin of this proposal goes back into the mists of time to the citywide Strategic Parking Review.  Report here: https://democracy.edinburgh.gov.uk/documents/s30769/Item%207.2%20-%20Strategic%20Review%20of%20Parking%20-%20Results%20of%20Phase%201%20Consultation%20and%20General%20Update.pdf. And you could go back even further into the mists of time….


Friends of Figgate Park’s next clean-up will be on Sunday 5 September.  There will be some other tasks to do if you want a change from litter picking. Please bring your own gloves and something to drink on the day.


A group of local residents who live near Abercorn Park, have set up a group of volunteers to help to keep the flowerbeds in the park tidy and they meet every Tuesday evening from 7 pm to 8 pm to do some weeding and pruning. Everyone is welcome to help.


A week tomorrow, Saturday 4 September, is the next Portobello Market day, in Brighton Park,  9:30am to 1:30pm.  There will be 34 traders attending and BG Cycles will give you’re a free bicycle safety check. Check out the website for a full list of the stallholders able to attend: https://www.pedal-porty.org.uk/food/portobello-market/traders-for-portobello-market-saturday-4th-september/


See you next week!




Councillor Maureen Child

Labour Councillor Portobello/Craigmillar Ward

Office: 0131 529 3268

Mobile: 07718 666 481

Facebook Page: Maureen Child Standing Up for Portobello/Craigmillar