Proposed measures on Seafield Road East, at junction of Fillyside and Porty Prom:
Covid-19 Cycling and Walking Emergency Response Measures
Proposed footway expansion and temporary signalised pedestrian crossing at Fillyside Road and Seafield Road East junction
Please be advised that we are proposing to introduce footway expansion and a temporary signalised pedestrian crossing at the junction of Fillyside Road and Seafield Road East to help pedestrians travel and exercise safely while meeting physical distancing requirements.
I have attached the proposed designs for the scheme. These show changes to the streets which, in summary, includes:
- Introduction of section of pedestrian buildouts on Fillyside Road and Seafield Road East.
- Introduction of signalised pedestrian crossing at Seafield Road leading to the Promenade.
- Addition of no parking signs on large section of shared footway on Seafield Road East.
Any comments relating to these proposals should be received by 1230hrs on Thursday 17 June to
All feedback will be reviewed and where possible the scheme will be further refined. Feedback will be summarised in an assessment feedback form which will be presented to the Council Incident Management Team for approval. Please note that we will be unable to respond to individual emails.
Kind Regards