• Portobello Community Council
  • c/o 14 Rosefield Avenue
  • Portobello
  • EH15 1AU

Maureen Child Update 21 August 2020

Posted on: August 21st, 2020

Dear All


Sorry – there’s still a bit of confusion over the Ferris wheel at Pipe Street.  On the one hand, the landowner told me last week that it would be removed over the following few days.  On the other hand, a representative of the operators told me conversations are ongoing. At the time of writing, the licence remains suspended.  I will let you know if the fog around this clears.  As usual with Portobello issues, there are strong views on whether the attraction should stay or go and whether or not it is a splendid addition to our landscape and our wider community.


Talking of divisions of view, the Spaces for People changes to our roads were hotly debated again this week at the Council’s Policy and Sustainability Committee.  The recommendations, finally agreed, included the continuation of the Hope Lane/Stanley Street closure, a new one to implement safer active travel routes to local primary schools at Duddingston Road and a safer path through Kings Place.  The longer term plans for Kings Place will take longer and more work and consultation to try and satisfy all the objections and get the caravans moved away.  An appropriate time to have a look at this wee film made locally about safe routes to Duddingston and St John’s Primary schools for SPOKES Porty: https://vimeo.com/365383840


It was national allotment week not long ago and this fabulous interview by David Calder about Craigentinny/ Telferton Allotments and their history seemed appropriate. Do have a listen here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/71622/4428191


Construction has started to build houses on land between Asda and Corbieshot, off The Jewel. The works will sometimes be disruptive at the point of the bus gate area to build a new sewer and connection works for the new houses.  A proposed name for the new streets here – Redsman – has been taken from the street naming bank and reflect the mining history of the area. A redsman is a person employed in a mine to clear debris from the workings. 


You might be interested in changing your gas boiler for a ground source heat pump, and future proofing your home against future hikes in energy prices, then environmental charity Changeworks are offering a great opportunity here: https://www.warmworks.co.uk/electrification-of-heat


Work is starting on constructing new Council housing in Bingham on the site if former Lismore Primary school, next to Bingham Community Centre and Seaview Respite Centre.  The Proejct team are very Much aware of the impact construction has on people living nearby and they assure me they are looking at various options for construction traffic and minimising the impact as much as possible. Once we have a solution for site access that doesn’t impact on the No 4 bus stop, they will update residents via the community newsletter to ensure everyone is aware of progress. 


Another completed affordable housing project in Greendykes has been nominated for an award: Click here: https://2020.scottishdesignawards.com/architecture-affordable-housing/greendykes-phase-g/


Road resurfacing works are planned soon for Coillesdene Drive and Mountcastle Drive South (No 125 to Duddingston Park South). They are scheduled to start 24 September.  The works involve some patching of potholes, then treating the surface with micro-asphalt.


Portobello Community Council managed to run the sandcastle competition this year, but in a different way.  Here’s the brilliant results and all the photos:  http://www.portobellocc.org/pccpn/2020/08/14/portobello-sandcastle-competition-2020-results/. Well done, everyone!


I’ve been doing a lot of walking, trying to do at least 30 km a week, building up to about 40km over one or two days for the Virtual Edinburgh Kiltwalk 2020. Help! Don’t forget to sponsor me if you possibly can. Even the smallest contribution will be very gratefully received for a great cause: https://edinburghkiltwalk2020.everydayhero.com/uk/maureen-3.  There’s just walking, then there’s listening and talking too.  I am happy to meet up for a bit of socially distanced conversation down your way.  I’m heading round every local street over the next two weeks.


Might you go West during your Edinburgh Staycation?  Click here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/west-end-stories-walking-tour-tickets-115976618187?ref=eios


I’m doing a lot of reading just now, so it’s great to see the Portobello Book Festival still going ahead in the virtual world: https://portobellobookfestival.wordpress.com/


ArtWalk Porty this year also looks so exciting.  Click here:  https://mailchi.mp/e54199223fcb/all-at-sea


Have a great weekend – and maybe see you around?




Councillor Maureen Child

Labour Councillor Portobello/Craigmillar Ward

Office: 0131 529 3268

Mobile: 07718 666 481

Facebook Page: Maureen Child Standing Up for Portobello/Craigmillar

Twitter: @MaureenChild1