Dear All
The sudden and unannounced appearance of a large Ferris Wheel next to flats and the historic brick kilns at Bridge Street was quite a surprise, to say the least. The operators had a temporary licence, granted by the Council without a thought that it might just prove just a little controversial and require a Committee decision. Current Covid-19 restrictions mean it cannot operate although it is up and ready to roll. All Elected representatives are drowning in a flood of emails. The has been plenty of chat on social media and it is now hitting the local and national press. I am grateful to those who came to see for themselves, including my MSP colleague Sarah Boyack with whom I have been liaising. She has written to the Chief Executive of the Council to express our dismay. We are all doing our level best to retrieve the situation. Police Scotland are aware.
And – stop press! – the licence is now suspended. All Elected Members are working together to sort this mess out and my thanks to Councillor Mary Campbell, for fielding most of the emails for four Councillors. She is a Star!
This week has been mainly Planning Committee things for me. Council has published the response to our City Plan 2030 consultation which is being reported to the Planning Committee next week. In summary, The Council is preparing a new Local Development Plan for Edinburgh called City Plan 2030. This plan will set out how we develop our city sustainably over the next ten years. The first engagement stage ‘Choices for City Plan 2030’ took place between January and April 2020. The Council received over 1800 responses to the consultation from organisations, community groups and members of the public. A report on the responses to Choices for City Plan 2030 will now be considered by Planning Committee next week, on 12 August. You can view the committee report, appendixes and full consultation responses at the website. The timetable for the next stage of the plan process and how you can get involved will also be presented to the Committee next week. More here:
Schools are going back to school next week, under these difficult conditions and guidance is here: They have managed through all this magnificently. The best of luck to all our school communities. I had a spell this week listening to the plight of parents trying to get their children into a non-catchment school. Pretty harrowing stories, especially in these tough times! I would always advise against exercising ‘parental choice’ on schools, if you can possibly avoid it.
Portobello Book Festival is going on line his year. More her:e
That’s really all I have time for today, given all that’s being going on this week! I am well behind in replying to emails – sorry!
Have a good weekend!
Councillor Maureen Child
Labour Councillor Portobello/Craigmillar Ward
Office: 0131 529 3268
Mobile: 07718 666 481
Facebook Page: Maureen Child Standing Up for Portobello/Craigmillar
Twitter: @MaureenChild1
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