• Portobello Community Council
  • c/o 14 Rosefield Avenue
  • Portobello
  • EH15 1AU

Maureen Child Update 31 July 2020

Posted on: August 2nd, 2020

Dear All


The main topic in my inbox has been shared use of Portobello Promenade this week.  It has been a hot topic for all the decades I have lived here, to be honest, and long precedes its designation as core path in 2003. The legal position means we all have share this space responsibly, that being the key word.  This is the link to information on the legal position : https://www.scotways.com/faq/law-on-statutory-access-rights. Councils do not have the power to help you with this, no matter how angry and worried we might be.  Individual responsibility is the key.


And irresponsible use of the Prom, behaviour that scares or endangers others, is a matter for Police Scotland to enforce and us all to call out  The contact for local police with your concerns about this or any other local policing matter is here: EdinburghCPTNorthEast@scotland.pnn.police.uk. I have asked Police Scotland if they could keep a look out and challenge irresponsible behaviour, as and when they see it. Officers are patrolling the Promenade regularly.  Talk to them, share your concerns, challenge bad behaviour when and if you see it. Don’t be a bystander.


The Council have published guidance on shared paths here: https://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/pathsforeveryone?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=TW-SLOWDOWN&utm_campaign=PathsForEveryone


This week, the UK Government announced a review the Highway Code.  Getting involved in the Living Streets campaigns on this and other ways of prioritising pedestrians would make sense to me: https://www.livingstreets.org.uk/get-involved/campaign-with-us/highway-code/


This week I have been a couple of walkabout ‘street audits’ with constituents in Portobello and The Jewel to see what conditions are like for those with mobility difficulties.  I will be taking particular issues up with officers to see what we can do to help make streets more accessible.


During the pandemic, the Council have made more space for active travel and social distancing in Town Centres.  The reasons for doing this anyway are clear to me : https://www.fastcompany.com/3062989/50-reasons-why-everyone-should-want-more-walkable-streets


Details on those traffic regulation orders required to make any changes are here: https://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/roads-pavements/view-comment-traffic-orders-new?documentId=12973&categoryId=20089


A nice story about ArtWalk’s continuing fabulous work here: https://www.artwalkporty.co.uk/2020/deirdremacleod.html


Important consultation on the benefits of green spaces here: https://www.ed.ac.uk/sustainability/news/2020/contribute-to-understanding-of-local-green-spaces


I also pick up lots of good things from Positive News: https://www.positive.news/society/bouncing-forward-why-the-pandemic-could-make-our-communities-stronger/


This is a crucially important conversation we need to have, starting on Monday: https://www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com/news/environment/new-website-where-edinburgh-residents-can-share-ideas-about-fighting-climate-change-city-will-launch-next-monday-2922681


I found this interesting given Edinburgh’s City Plan 2030 may well bring development of our residential communities further along the coastline to the west of Kings Road: https://www.scottishwater.co.uk/seafield.


The debate on so-called ‘weeds’ vs ‘pavement plants’ goes on: https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/saturday/audio/2018756535/sophie-leguil-more-than-weeds


Yesterday, the sign-up for garden waste started. Details here: https://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/news/article/12925/sign-up-for-garden-waste-collection-2020-21


During the lock down Edible Estates have introduced ‘Home Grown’, an introduction to growing on a windowsill, balcony or back green with packs delivered to people’s homes or to pick up points.  They launched Home Grown in Bingham, Magdalene and Christians – www.facebook.com/groups/magdalene.bingham.homegrown;  Craigmillar and adjoining neighbourhoods – www.facebook.com/groups/craigmillarhomegrown. And here is an example of one of their Home Grown videos – https://youtu.be/0k-ve09tFeM.  


Have a great weekend!




Councillor Maureen Child

Labour Councillor Portobello/Craigmillar Ward

Office: 0131 529 3268

Mobile: 07718 666 481

Facebook Page: Maureen Child Standing Up for Portobello/Craigmillar

Twitter: @MaureenChild1