Please see the below proposal from the council. Any feedback on the proposal please send to
Covid-19 Emergency Road Measures
Proposed– Local Town Centres – Portobello Town Centre
In Edinburgh, shopping and leisure uses are mainly provided in a network of centres distributed across the city. Out with the City Centre, town centres serve as a focal point for local communities providing a diverse mix of shopping facilities and other commercial and community services.
On 18 June the Scottish Government confirmed that, from 29 June, shops with outdoor entrances can reopen. To support this positive change, we are proposing an initial phase of measures targeted to quickly address some of the most pressing issues that people and businesses have told us about. These relate to the narrowness of pavements and street clutter which cause difficulties in achieving safe physical distancing.
In this first phase of proposals we aim to create additional space on routes within Portobello town centre by widening footways, removing guardrails and street clutter. To widen footways we need to suspend all parking places (apart from loading bays and Disabled persons’ parking places). The streets being considered for these proposals are illustrated in the attached map.
The second phase of proposals, which we will share in the coming weeks, will focus on more strategic and complex measures relating to traffic reduction and aiding cycling and public transport provision. Proposals will also align, where possible, with further announcements around the opening of food and drink establishments. We will continue to work with business representatives and individual businesses on how measures can best support town centres as part of the city’s economic recovery. It is essential that the needs of residents and businesses are taken into account as we progress measures benefitting the health, wellbeing and prosperity of the city and region.
The proposed measures are part of an overall emergency requirement to re-designate key parts of the road network to facilitate safe travel while meeting physical distancing requirements. Such measures are required urgently to help prevent people from becoming ill or coming to harm by infection from COVID-19 whilst implementing physical distancing requirements.
These measures will be implemented under emergency delegated decision-making powers using a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order.
Given the urgent nature of these works, normal expectations about community consultations cannot be fulfilled. We urge you to get in touch within five working days or earlier should you want to raise any issues. If you do not have any concerns it would be beneficial if you could also email to let us know. This means we will have responses from all stakeholders and this helps to inform the process.
Please note that the deadline for submitting comments is 5.00pm on Friday 26 June 2020.
If the proposal is agreed for implementation, formal publicity will then be undertaken so that local people are aware of the changes. A dedicated inbox will help us to manage any feedback around proposals –
All comments will be reviewed and summarised in the assessment feedback note to the Council Incident Management Team. Please note that we will not be able to respond to individual emails.
Spaces for People Team