The City of Edinburgh Council are currently consulting on choices for “City Plan 2030” – a new Local Development Plan for Edinburgh, which will set out policies and proposals for development in Edinburgh between 2020 and 2030. Consultation is also ongoing on the “draft Mobility Plan“, a ten-year strategy for creating accessible, affordable and environmentally-friendly travel in and around Edinburgh.
Portobello Community Council plan to submit a response to the City Plan choices consultation, focused around one of the options. This is Option 12A, which is about building new homes & infrastructure and we are also asking specifically about a number of possible development sites around Portobello. Please complete our survey.
It is also valuable for you to respond directly to the two Council consultations; while they are long, you can choose to only respond to the options which are of interest to you.
The choices for City Plan 2030 in 200 words:
Our city continues to grow. We must manage that growth and make sure everyone can share in our city’s success.
Our City Plan 2030 will set out the long-term vision for Edinburgh. It will set out locations for new homes and businesses, protect places of value, and make sure that essentials for a good quality of life – like public transport, schools and green space – are core to our city.
Scottish Government requires councils to produce a local development plan. The plan is used to guide decisions on planning applications.
We’re planning for a city that is a great place to live, where you don’t need to own a car to move around, where everyone lives in a home which they can afford and where everyone’s physical and mental wellbeing is supported.
We’re not starting from scratch – many of the policies in our existing local development plan are working well. The choices outlined for City Plan 2030 looks at key areas for change such as addressing climate change, building affordable housing, short-term lets and student accommodation. They will play a major part in helping us to meet our ambition for a carbon neutral city by 2030.
The consultation is split into 16 choices:
- Choice 1 – Making Edinburgh a sustainable, active and connected city
- Choice 2 – Improving the quality and density of development
- Choice 3 – Delivering carbon neutral buildings
- Choice 4 – Creating Place Briefs and supporting the use of Local Place Plans in our communities
- Choice 5 – Delivering community infrastructure
- Choice 6 – Creating places for people, not cars
- Choice 7 – Supporting the reduction in car use in Edinburgh
- Choice 8 – Delivering new walking and cycle routes
- Choice 9 – Protecting against the loss of Edinburgh’s homes to other uses
- Choice 10 – Ensuring the better use of land
- Choice 11 – Delivering more affordable homes
- Choice 12 – Building our new homes and infrastructure
- Choice 13 – Supporting inclusive growth, innovation, universities, & culture
- Choice 14 – Delivering West Edinburgh
- Choice 15 – Protecting our city centre, town and local centres
- Choice 16 – Delivering office, Business and Industrial Space
The draft City Mobility Plan in 200 words:
The way people and goods move in and around cities is being revolutionised.
While we have an excellent bus system, an efficient tram line and great cycling and walking routes – which we’re expanding and connecting – our city continues to grow. With Edinburgh consistently ranking amongst the most congested cities in the UK, this stops us meeting our ambitious carbon neutral target. We need bold changes to the way we, and the goods we rely on, move in and around our city.
Our City Mobility Plan proposes using technology to revolutionise the way we travel and personalise our journeys. We need to plan for more car sharing, car clubs, bike hire and other ways of getting about so that people of all abilities don’t need a car to get around the city. Public transport will be integrated with our excellent cycling and walking routes.
By doing this, we’ll have cleaner, better connected and more affordable ways for people and the things we buy to move around our city. We’ll create people-friendly streets, improve the lives of people who live here, and improve our health and wellbeing.
We’re building on strong foundations but more of the same will not help us achieve a carbon neutral city.
Complete the Community Council consultation: here (closing date: 5pm, 23 March 2020)
Complete the City of Edinburgh Council consultation on choices for City Plan 2030: (closing date: 31 March 2020)
Complete the City of Edinburgh Council consultation on the draft Mobility Plan: (closing date: 27 March 2020)