“We are preparing Edinburgh’s next local development plan – City Plan 2030 – which will set out locations for new homes and businesses, protect places of value, and make sure that essentials for a good quality of life – like public transport, schools and green space – are core to our city.
The first stage of preparing a new local development plan is to consult on what we call a Main Issues Report. Our main issues report, ‘Choices for City Plan 2030’ sets out what changes we want to make to planning policy, including where we build our new homes and key issues such as local place plans, student housing, short term lets, and climate change.
‘Choices’ was approved by Planning Committee for consultation on the 22nd January along with our new Development Plan Scheme 2020.
You can see the Choices document via the Council’s Committee services, however, I will be sending you a link to the ‘desk-top published’ version and the consultation survey on Friday 31st January. Copies of the document will also be in the libraries on this date.
The consultation on Choices for City Plan (along with the consultation on the City Mobility Plan) will run for 8 weeks, starting on Friday 31 January 2020 and finishing on Friday 27 March 2020. I have attached the of list of our public engagement events which include drop-ins, awareness raising sessions and surgeries for those who would like help responding to the consultation.
People can drop in at any time during the events to ask questions and find out more about the Choices we have to make. “