Progress on the review of the City of Edinburgh Council Community Council Scheme:
“I am writing to update you on the consultation process currently underway with regard to the Review of the Scheme. Following the preliminary period of consultation a draft Scheme has been produced. A summary of the consultation process and key findings are included in the attached report which was approved at today’s Council meeting (7 February 2019). This will be available to watch on the Council’s webcast site once archived (usually within 24 hours of conclusion of meeting).
The first statutory consultation period begins on 11 February 2019 and a public notice will be placed in the Evening News advertising this. Community councils and the public are invited to comment on the draft Scheme and complaints procedure which are attached as appendices to the report.
A copy of the proposed Scheme will be available for inspection by the public and community councillors at locality offices, libraries and
Any community council or member of public wishing to make comments on the draft proposals are invited to send these via the consultation hub link above, in writing to me at the address below or by email to to arrive not later than 22 April 2019. Please forward details of the consultation to any groups or individuals in your area who may be interested in submitting comments. Community councils are also encouraged to add the consultation web links to their website.
The following drop-in sessions have been arranged, I will be in attendance on these dates to answer questions on the draft scheme:
- 21 February 2019, 1 – 2 pm, Drumbrae Library Hub, 81 Drumbrae Drive.
- 21 February 2019, 3 – 4 pm, Wester Hailes Library, 1 Westside Plaza.
- 28 February 2019, 2- 3 pm, South East Office, 40 Captain’s Road.
- 28 February 2019, 4 – 5 pm, East Office, 101 Niddrie Mains Road.
- 6 March 2019, 5.30 – 6.30 pm, City Chambers, High Street.
Comments and feedback from this consultation will help to inform the revised Community Council Scheme.”