City of Edinburgh Council Development Management Sub-Committee has granted permission for 1330 homes, a primary school and new local centre at Brunstane.
Members of the Development Management Committee voted by 7 to 6 to approve planning permission in principle for the proposals, which include:
- residential development (including class 8 residential institutions, class 9 houses and sui generis flats), providing circa 1330 residential units in a mix of housing types and sizes, with 25% of the units being affordable;
- a new primary school (class 10 non-residential institution);
- a new local centre (including class 1 retail, class 2 financial and professional services, class 3 food and drink, class 10 non-residential institutions and class 11 assembly and leisure);
- the formation of three new site accesses, one from the north (via Milton Road East) and two from the south (via Newcraighall Road), as well as a network of internal roads, cycle routes and paths, a replacement vehicle bridge over the East Coast Main Line (ECML) railway and a new bridge over the ECML railway for pedestrians and cyclists; a green network, including open space, parkland, allotments, play areas, planting buffers to the railway and existing services within the site; and Other structural and amenity landscaping and planting including boundary treatments to Newhailes and the John Muir Way.