The owners of 14 Bath Street – the former bingo hall and George Cinema – have now submitted revised proposals to demolish the majority of the building and create a residential block of 20 units, parking and related landscaping.
The proposals include:-
- demolition of the majority of the building
- retention of the original art deco facade where possible
- a range of 1 to 3-bedroom flats
- on site parking and garaging
- gardens, terraces and landscaping
Please see the Planning Portal for more details
You can Object, Support or Comment on the proposals via the Planning Portal comments section
If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Case Officer Stephen Dickson directly on 0131 529 3529 or by email to
The Planning Reference Numbers for this case are: 16/06447/FUL and 16/06449/LBC
You can also respond using the form below.
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