Brighton Nursery is this year celebrating 25 years in Portobello! In 1991, Jenny and Fergus opened the doors of Brighton Nursery and it has since been at the heart of the Portobello community. Many local children and their families will have fond memories of their days in Brighton – a real world of discovery!
On Saturday 29th of October (10.30- 1 pm) Brighton Nursery are inviting people to take a trip down memory lane at our celebration Coffee Morning! We are looking forward to welcoming Brighton families, past and present, to the nursery for tea/coffee and cake, a chance to look around the nursery, including the newly opened ‘Outback Garden’, chat to staff and share your favourite memories with us! We would love to know what all of the children have been up to since leaving the nursery!
As part of the day we will have displays of photos, memories, toys and games from across the 25 years. If anyone has any stories or photos from your time with Brighton please send them in advance by emailing them to brightonnursery@btconnect.
All are welcome to come and share this special day with us!