Following applications have been decided:
- 16/02223/FUL has been granted: Single storey restaurant extension to existing restaurant. at 2 Joppa Pans
- 16/01974/FUL has been granted: Erection of single storey rear extension with raised patio, demolition of existing patio walls. at 28 Brunstane Road
- 16/00995/LBC has been granted: Erection of a historic plaque. at 15 Marlborough Street
The following applications have been submitted:
- 16/02600/FUL: Repaint the front elevation and front door; Remove existing garage and rear timber gate to create larger parking space with new slab/base with timber fencing. Alter and extend existing ground floor rear window to form new doorway. Replace existing rooflights, new works to match existing. at 29 Esplanade Terrace
- 16/02694/FUL: Erect porch to front elevation. at 48 Durham Square
- 16/02732/FUL: Single storey extension to rear end gable of house. Remove existing roof and construct new pitched roof, at 3 Coillesdene Crescent
- 16/02838/TPO: Young Goat Willow, mature Silver Birch, early-mature Sycamore, early-mature Japanese Cherry – Removal of Goat Willow and pruning works to others. at 47 Milton Road East