Following applications have been decided:
- 6/02076/CLP has been granted: Erection of detached building within the garden of the property to create a home gym / workshop. at 6 Durham Place East
- 16/01225/FUL has been granted: Erection of a conservatory. at 59 Morton Street
The following applications have been submitted:
- 16/02052/FUL & 16/02052/LBC: Demolition of existing listed bingo hall, erection of a residential redevelopment comprising 21 flatted dwellings including associated parking / garaging and garden grounds. at 14 Bath Street (no documents currently on planning portal)
- 16/02261/LBC: Single storey extension to replace existing lean to extension. Together with alteration to windows to form new doors to provide improved access to garden. Also include new ensuite to first floor. at 16 Pittville Street
- 16/02349/LBC: Erection of a conservatory. at 59 Morton Street