• Portobello Community Council
  • c/o 14 Rosefield Avenue
  • Portobello
  • EH15 1AU

Edinburgh Licensing Board – Consultation on Amplified Music in Licensed Premises

Posted on: April 22nd, 2016


The Edinburgh Licensing Board has agreed to carry out a consultation on the terms of its current policy on amplified music in licensed premises, having received a recommendation from the Edinburgh Licensing Forum.


The Board agreed to consult with community councils on this matter, and responses are invited to the consultation.  Details are set out in the attached letter, together with:-


(1)    extract from Board’s current Statement of Licensing Policy

(2)    recommendation from the Licensing Forum


Details of the consultation will be posted on the Council’s website shortly –


http://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/info/20023/licences_and_permits/960/edinburghs_licensing_board  and  




Emailed responses to the consultation should be sent to liquor.licensing@edinburgh.gov.uk, or by post marked “Licensing Board Policy Consultation” to – Licensing, 249 High Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1YJ.


Thank you


Nick Fraser


Nick Fraser Depute Clerk of the Licensing Board | Legal and Risk | The City of Edinburgh Licensing Board | Business Centre 2.1 Waverley Court | 4 East Market Street | Edinburgh | EH8 8BG


pdf icon DOC.pdf
pdf icon Board-Policy-amplified-music-current-wording.pdf
pdf icon Rev-Draft-recommendation-re-Encouraging-Live-Music-in-Edinburgh-.pdf