The following applications have been decided:
- 16/00497/TCO raise no objection: Tree work, at 5/1 Brunstane Road North
- 16/00283/TCO raise no objection: Tree work, at 50 Brighton Place
- 15/05818/FUL has been granted: Formation of two dormer windows to rear elevation of flat, at 1F1 16 Argyle Crescent
- 15/05234/FUL has been granted: Erection of a single storey dining room extension to the existing ground floor dining hall of Towerbank Primary School (as amended), at Towerbank Primary School
The following applications have been submitted:
- 16/00728/LBC: Proposed replacement of existing white PVCu windows with new white sash and case PVCu windows, at 2F2 246 Portobello High Street