The following applications have been decided:
- 15/05896/LBC has been granted: Internal alterations with bathroom and kitchen relocated and front door replaced, at 7C Brunstane Road North
- 15/05750/FUL has been granted: Conversion of flat roof to pitched roof over previous extension, at 115 Coillesdene Avenue
- 15/04747/LBC has been granted: To replace existing single glazed windows with like for like double glazed Slim-lite units in wooden sash and case 6 over 6’s, at 7 Rosefield Avenue
The following applications have been submitted:
- 16/00301/FUL: Demolition of single storey conservatory and erection of single storey extension, at 20 Adelphi Place
- 16/00607/ADV: Replacement of existing backlit advertisement unit with two LED advertising units, at Land 225 Metres Northwest Of Baileyfield S And C Works, Sir Harry Lauder Road
- 16/00650/ADV: Fascia Sign – 2 No. sets of built up Bank of Scotland letters alternative colour scheme from existing), digitally printed vinyl applied to upper floor windows, at 149 – 153 Portobello High Street
- 16/00696/TCO: Proposed tree works, at 9 Sandford Gardens