The following applications have been decided:
- 15/05739/LBC has been granted: Internal alterations to existing restaurant, at 25 – 25A Promenade
- 15/05726/FUL has been granted: Two storey extension to side elevation, at 27 Durham Road
- 15/03232/FUL has been granted: Remove existing wall and rebuild stone rubble wall; breakout concrete driveway, create new set of steps and pathway; create a bin store recycling area; widen the driveway entrance and soft landscape the front garden, at 19, 21 Abercorn Terrace
The following applications have been submitted:
- 16/00348/FUL: Single storey extension to rear of property, at 12 Durham Avenue
- 16/00497/TCO: Weeping Elm – Shorten secondary branches towards flats by approx. 2m. Reduce back low branches from flower bed, at Flat 1 5 Brunstane Road North