The following applications have been decided:
- 15/05156/TCO raise no objection: tree works at 49 Regent Street
- 15/05001/ADV has been granted: Advertisement of the following types : Box, Hoarding, Flag. at Site 100 Metres West Of 17-21 Portobello High Street
- 15/04664/CLP has been granted: Internal alterations incorporating proposed garage conversion and proposed single storey rear extension, at 115 Gilberstoun
- 15/04586/LBC has been granted: Carry out identified Fire Upgrade works as part of the City of Edinburgh’s rolling Fire Upgrade Programme, at 147 Portobello High Street
- 15/04234/AMC has been approved: Proposal for 52 affordable housing units on a vacant brownfield site on Fishwives Causeway, Portobello. Part of a wider site master plan granted planning permission in principle in June 2015. at Site 100 Metres West Of 17-21 Portobello High Street
- 15/04197/AMC has been approved: Application for approval of matters specified in condition 3 of planning permission 14/03736/PPP. Erection of 61 Dwellings (Terraced Housing, Townhouses & Colony Dwelling) along with 44 No Flats. at Site 100 Metres West Of 17-21 Portobello High Street
- 15/02910/AMC has been approved: Approval of matters specified in condition 3 of planning permission in principle (14/03736/PPP) for proposed development of sheltered housing, comprising a 42 sheltered apartments (20 x 1 bed + 22 x 2 bed) communal facilities, landscaping and car parking (as amended). at Site 100 Metres West Of 17-21 Portobello High Street
- 15/04964/FUL has been granted: Removal of single storey garage and erection of single storey extension to rear and side elevations. at 12 Coillesdene Avenue
- 15/04549/FUL has been granted: Proposed rear extension to form new kitchen and living area. at 15 Argyle Crescent
- 15/04492/FUL has been granted: Change of use from shop to class 3 with internal and external alterations. at 8 Milton Road West
- 15/04452/FUL has been granted: Demolish existing garage and single storey return to the rear; Erect a new standalone garden room/studio and single storey extension to the rear and new rooflight. at 7 Esplanade Terrace
- 14/05266/FUL has been granted: Conversion of primary school annexe to create six dwellings, including all demolition works and alterations (as amended) at 13 Bath Street
The following applications have been submitted:
- 15/05332/LBC: Carry out internal alterations to allow living room to become master bedroom. Existing kitchen, utility and boxroom to be combined as open plan area for use as living and kitchen/dining area by removal of internal wall between kitchen and boxroom and partial removal of internal walls defining utility and stores, whilst constructing new store closure of existing door opening between living room and boxroom,, and fitting of new overlaid floor finishes throughout property. External alterations limited to plumbing modifications. at 2F1 7 Straiton Place
- 15/05333/FUL: Alterations and extension to house. at 36 Brunstane Road
- 15/05342/FUL: Single storey flat roof extension to rear, with associated wheelchair accessible landscaping. at 6 Durham Terrace
- 15/05416/FUL: Proposal to demolish the existing, long narrow kitchen extension to form a better proportioned kitchen & dining extension. at 4 St Mark’s Place
- 15/05563/TCO: tree work at 9 Sandford Gardens
- Outwith the Portobello area, but of local interest:
- 15/05530/PAN: Construction of new outdoor velodrome, bmx track and 3g grass pitches. Refurbishment of Jack Kane Centre building. Demolition of derelict janitors houses. Construction of new car parking and associated access routes and paths and improvement to existing car parking and paths. at Jack Kane Community Centre, Hunters Hall Public Park