• Portobello Community Council
  • c/o 14 Rosefield Avenue
  • Portobello
  • EH15 1AU

Edinburgh’s budget challenge – last chance to have your say

Posted on: December 14th, 2015

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Edinburgh’s budget challenge – last chance to have your say

If you’ve already shared your views on our budget proposals – thank you!


If you haven’t, you have until 17 December to have your say. This is your opportunity to tell us your ideas about how we save £126m, increase income and deliver services. 

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Find out more about the budget by visiting our website.

Have your say using:

·      ‘your city, your say’ dialogue page to tell us how you think we should deliver services differently, save money, and increase income, and rate and comment on other people’s suggestions too

·      online planner to tell us how you think we should deliver services.

Next steps

You will be able to:

·      read the budget engagement findings on 8 January when the Finance and Resources Committee report goes live

·      watch the Committee meeting on 14 January when councillors will discuss the findings

·      watch the Council meeting on 21 January, when councillors will make the final budget decisions

·      continue to have your say on Council services through the ‘your city, your say’ dialogue page – new topics will be added after 17 December as part of our ongoing engagement.

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Find out more






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