No new major planning applications in the Portobello area have been submitted or decided in the last week.
The following applications have been decided:
- 15/04989/ADV has been granted: Advertisement of the following types : Fascia, Box, and Mounted signs at Site 100 Metres West Of 17-21 Portobello High Street (Aldi)
- 15/04671/FUL is not development: Proposed replacement of white aluminium windows with new white uPVC windows. at 3F2 7 Mentone Avenue
- 15/04454/CLP has been granted: Replace defective lead roof covering to flat roof to extension with insulated single ply roofing system including cladding to parapet. at 52 Promenade
- 15/04289/FUL has been granted: Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of three new town houses, at 34 Seaview Terrace
The following applications have been submitted:
- 15/03232/FUL: Remove existing wall and rebuild stone rubble walll; breakout concrete driveway, create new set of steps and pathway; create a bin store recycling area; widen the driveway entrance and soft landscape the front garden, at 19, 21 Abercorn Terrace
- 15/05176/ADV: Application for Advertisement, Fascia Sign, at 94 Portobello High Street
- 15/05211/LBC: Sub-divide one large bedroom into two smaller bedrooms including erection of internal partition, formation of new opening within existing wall and associated alterations; at 7 East Brighton Crescent
- 15/05232/FUL: Single storey extension to rear of property with raised decked roof terrace and internal alterations. New timber decking on ground floor, at 84 Coillesdene Avenue
- 15/05234/FUL: Erection of a single storey dining room extension to the existing ground floor dining hall, at Towerbank Primary School
- 15/05250/FUL: Erection of a single storey contemporary extension. The proposed design is
10m2 in plan and relates to the height of the internal spaces, is mostly glass giving better connections to the garden. There is a small section of vertical larch facade and a also small canopy which covers the external timber decking. at 4 Lee Crescent - 15/05284/FUL: Full width garden room extension to optimise the south-east facing nature of the rear facade, incorporating the stone utility room. The arched form concept is to avoid the head of the kitchen windows as the arch would spring from just below the ridge of the adjacent ancillary room parapet. at 20 Lee Crescent