No new major planning applications in the Portobello area have been submitted or decided in the last week.
The following applications have been decided:
- 15/04473/FUL has been granted: Single storey extension to the rear of the property, at 112 Seaview Terrace
- 15/04086/TPO has been granted: Removal of branches on Geans Trees overhanging BT Line. also remove multi stemmed young lime from car park, at 47 Milton Road East
The following applications have been submitted:
- 15/04989/ADV: Advertisement of the following types : Fascia, Box, and Mounted signs, at Site 100 Metres West Of 17-21 Portobello High Street
- 15/04971/FUL: Demolish existing kitchen outshoot and construct single storey rear extension to form new kitchen/dining area, at 4 Seaview Terrace
- 15/05156/TCO: Permission for tree works, at 49 Regent Street