No new major planning applications in the Portobello area have been submitted or decided in the last two weeks.
The following applications have been decided:
- 15/04675/TCO raise no objection: Permission for tree works, at 21 Bedford Terrace
- 15/02624/AMC has been approved: Application for approval of matters specified in conditions 2, 4 and 5 of planning permission 14/03736/PPP as relating to detailed matters of phase 1 retail foodstore (as amended), at Site 100 Metres West Of 17-21 Portobello High Street
- 15/02392/LBC & 15/02389/FUL have been granted: Erection of family room extension to replace timber windows with double glazed timber windows in the same style and design, at 43 Marlborough Street
- 15/04040/FUL has been refused: Two storey extension to rear and side elevation with dormer windows front and rear, at 15 Brunstane Crescent
The following applications have been submitted:
- 15/04452/FUL: Demolish existing garage and single storey return to the rear; Erect a new standalone garden room/studio and single storey extension to the rear and new rooflight, at 7 Esplanade Terrace
- 15/04492/FUL: Change of use from shop to class 3 with internal and external alterations, at 8 Milton Road West
- 15/04671/FUL: Proposed replacement of white aluminium windows with new white uPVC windows, at 3F2 7 Mentone Avenue
- 15/04454/CLP: Replace defective lead roof covering to flat roof to extension with insulated single ply roofing system including cladding to parapet, at 52 Promenade