• Portobello Community Council
  • c/o 14 Rosefield Avenue
  • Portobello
  • EH15 1AU

Waste Action Grant Deadline Approaching

Posted on: October 5th, 2015

Communities across Edinburgh are being urged to submit their applications to the City of Edinburgh Council for a Waste Action Grant as the deadline fast approaches. Grants are available to fund eco-friendly projects that will encourage more people in the Capital to reduce, reuse and recycle.
Groups can now also apply for grants to support litter campaigns and projects that aim to run preventative litter campaigns are encouraged to apply.

Environmentally conscious householders, community groups, youth groups and schools are all being urged to submit an application for funding by Tuesday 20th October.

A range of funding is available, from smaller grants of £50-£200 to larger grants of £500 – £2500.

For more information




Many thanks





Anita Sharkey| Senior Waste and Open Space Development Officer | Services for Communities | The City of Edinburgh Council | 33 Murrayburn Road | Edinburgh EH14 2TF | Tel 469 5070


My working hours: Monday and Tuesday (all day).



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