• Portobello Community Council
  • c/o 14 Rosefield Avenue
  • Portobello
  • EH15 1AU

Hands Over Our Forth – Free Coach from Porty – First Come, First Served

Posted on: September 30th, 2015

Hands Over Our Forth is a unique event from all community groups around Scotland opposed to Unconventional Gas. A symbolic joining of hands by Scottish communities to show their concern for the Forth and their ownership of it by their investment in living and working around it.  It will take place on the Forth Road Bridge on 11th October at 2pm  
There are groups from all over the UK coming in support of the communities of the Forth.There are international experts coming to support the event, such as Dr. Mariann Lloyd Smith, who is travelling from Australia and has added a stop in Edinburgh to join Hands Over Our Forth. Also John Ashton CBE will be taking part.
Never before has an event like this taken place on the Forth Road Bridge!
There will be a free coach leaving from Portobello High Street to the event and returning afterwards. Please  could you email ourforthportobello@gmail.com with the subject line "bus to HOOF" if you would like a seat. Times to be arranged and will be confirmed by return of email. "
