• Portobello Community Council
  • c/o 14 Rosefield Avenue
  • Portobello
  • EH15 1AU

Living Streets Scotland Walkable Communities Workshops

Posted on: September 2nd, 2015


Living Streets Scotland will be delivering a series of workshops this Autumn as part of our Paths for All and Scottish Government funded ‘Walkable Communities’ programme. The workshops are open to community groups and organisations, local authority, NHS and other community planning partners and are an opportunity to share experience and learning in developing and delivering effective interventions that enable and encourage more people to walk more often as part of every day journeys, with all the health, social and economic benefits increased walking rates provide.


I’ve attached a short flyer with further information on the workshops and instructions on how to book a place. I wondered if the workshops might be of interest to you, and if you might pass information to contacts for whom this might be of interest.


Feel free to get in touch if you’d like more information,


Many thanks,  



Penny Morriss
Communities Co-ordinator

Living Streets Scotland
Thorn House, 5 Rose Street, Edinburgh.  EH2 2PR.


tel:                     0131 243 2649
email:                penny.morriss@livingstreets.org.uk
web:                   www.livingstreetsscotland.org.uk

twitter:                @livingstreets

Description: Description: Quality marks




Living Streets is the national charity working to create safe, attractive and enjoyable streets around the UK – sign up to our monthly enews today.



Working in partnership with communities, schools and policy makers to deliver the National Walking Strategy In Scotland

pdf icon WC15-WorkshopsEflyer-Aug-2015.pdf