No new major planning applications in the Portobello area have been submitted or decided in the last week.
The following applications have been decided:
- 15/02731/FUL has been granted: Roof-mounted solar PV installation, at 20 Westbank Street (Tumbles)
- 15/02680/FUL has been granted: Form new extension porch area to front of property, at 35 Straiton Place
The following applications have been submitted:
- 15/03407/FUL: Erection of a replacement conservatory, at 18 Durham Avenue
- 15/03431/ADV & 15/03436/LBC: Removing existing old brand signage and replacing with new style brand signage, at 216 Portobello High Street
- 15/03478/FUL: Remove existing single storey rear extension and store and build new single storey extension with kitchen and dining space, at 8 Brunstane Road