No new major planning applications in the Portobello area have been submitted or decided in the last couple of weeks.
The following applications have been decided:
- 15/02532/LBC has been granted: Move kitchen into living area and create second bedroom, at GF1 30 Marlborough Street
- 15/02305/FUL has been granted: Single storey flat roof extension to rear and loft conversion to add front and side dormers and single rooflight to detached bungalow. Reinstatement of existing planted screening along rear boundary and existing rear garden wall, at 5 Durham Place East
- 15/01919/FUL has been refused: Change of use from travel agent to cafe with limited cooking, at 135 Portobello High Street
- 15/02464/FUL has been granted: Single storey pitched roof extension to side of property and internal alterations, at 114 Seaview Terrace
- 15/02455/FUL has been refused: Access improvement works which involve removing the existing step up into the building and providing an new external step and ramp, at 134C Portobello High Street (TSB)
The following applications have been submitted:
- 15/03256/FUL & 15/03257/LBC: The removal of one internal wall between kitchen and family room, and alterations to two existing windows on the rear elevation to form an exit with bifolding glass doors, (in
retrospect), at 39 Bellfield Street - 15/03166/FUL: Partially demolish existing rear kitchen extension and rebuild new single storey kitchen extension including internal alterations, at 7 Argyle Crescent
- 15/03271/FUL & 15/03270/LBC: Conversion of derelict ancillary buildings into two mews houses, at
Lock Up 3 2,3,4,7,7A Regent Street Lane